~Do I have a twin or not?~

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"U-Uncle Kaoru!" The exhausted cry from the small nine-year old girl puffed out, hand just colliding with the doorframe of her uncle's bedroom.
"(Y/n)?" Alarmed and alert, the young man stood up to his feet and hurried over to his niece. "What's the matter?"

"I-its-!" Suddenly, the child burst out into tears, hiccuping at the doorway just before her feet gave way. Koaru immediately caught the female and embraced her figure close to him.
"Hush, hush. You don't need to rush with your words." The girl clung to her uncle's shirt, sniffing her runny nose.

"Y-Yui..." she whimpered, beginning to fumble through her trouser pockets. Concerned due to the mention of his nephew and current state of his niece, Cherry gently pulled slightly away from the child to see the piece of paper she held in her hands. He took it from her and opened up the note.

'(Y/n), Uncle Kaoru, don't look for me. I will be gone for a while, but please don't worry about me. I've found myself a job, which was quite surprising due to me being nine, but it pays well.

'My employer has provided me with a place to stay, and he has been teaching me more about skating. I know you both don't really trust or like Mr Shindo that much, but understand that he treats me well and is of no threat to me. I'll miss you both.

Yuichiro Tokito'

The adult stared blankly at the piece of paper as his niece began to cry harder and louder into his arms.


What more could they do about their current situation?


The next afternoon, after you had spent more time checking on your uncle, you left out to the market to get some food without the intention of running into any familiar faces.

Langa and Miya would be at school, Shadow and Kojiro should be working, and though you had no idea where Reki was -
"Huh?" Upon looking up, you saw him slightly ahead of you, seeming to be having an altercation with some guys.

You hoped to just walk past him, not wanting him to notice you either, but suddenly, you saw one of the blonde dudes throw a fist at him. Even at that, you still considered just walking off, but then you remembered the times when he would defend you from bullies.

You swinged your leg and landed it square in the face of the guy that punched the redhead.
"W-What?!" You blankly stared at all of the shocked males. "W-here did SHE come from?!" At that, you pointed in the direction in which you came.
"From over there."

"So, Reki, you got yourself a little girl to fight for you? Why don't you man up and fight your own battles." Another nameless face spoke, smirking annoyingly, so you punched him as well.
"Hey, kid! Butt out of it!"

You could feel the presence of someone else standing behind you, so you instinctively grabbed their fist and pulled their body over your shoulder, slamming them into the floor.

"(Y-y/n), what a-are you -?"
"You little BRAT!" Another came at you, holding a wooden skateboard deck over his head, resulting in you sliding over to the side, but unfortunately, ending in the board making contact with your classmate.

"Oops, I forgot he was there..." You stated plainly, looking down at the now unconscious male, before turning back to the strangers. "You were going to hit a lady like that?"
"You're no lady! You're insane!"
"Says you."

"Why did I start again?"~{Muichiro Fem!Reader x Sk8 Infinity}Where stories live. Discover now