Jin's home

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Seokjin: sitting down with a cup of tea So, how's work going for you guys?
Jimin: smiling It's been great. We've been working on some exciting new campaigns, and everything is really coming together.
Tae: sighing Yeah, it's going well. But it's been pretty hectic with all the traveling and photoshoots.
Seokjin: noticing Tae's mood What's wrong, Tae? You seem a bit down.
Tae: sulking It's nothing, hyung. Just... feeling a bit lonely, I guess. Seeing you guys so happy in your relationships makes me realize how single I am.
Jimin: patting Tae's shoulder Don't worry, Tae. You'll find someone special. It just takes time.
Seokjin: That's right, Tae. And being single isn't so bad. You have more time to focus on your career and your passions.
Tae: smiling faintly I know, but it's hard sometimes. Especially when I see you, Jimin, so happy with Yoongi.
Jimin: blushing Yeah, Yoongi and I are really happy together. But it wasn't always easy, you know? We had our ups and downs too.
Seokjin: And look at me, Tae. I've been married to Namjoon for two years now, and I can tell you that relationships take work. But it's worth it when you find the right person.
Tae: smiling a bit more I guess you're right. I just need to be patient.
Seokjin: Exactly. And who knows? The right person might come along when you least expect it.
Jimin: Speaking of which, hyung, how's married life treating you?
Seokjin: smiling warmly It's been wonderful. Namjoon is an amazing husband. We support each other through everything. I love my married life.
Jimin: That's so sweet, Jin-hyung. You and Namjoon are perfect together.
Tae: smiling fully now Yeah, you guys are like a dream couple.
Seokjin: taking a deep breath Speaking of dreams... I have some news to share with you both.
Jimin: curiously What is it, Jin-hyung?Tae: eagerly Yeah, what's going on, hyung?Seokjin: smiling nervously Well, I just found out... I'm pregnant!
Jimin: eyes widening Oh my God, really?!Tae: starts tearing up Oh Jin-hyung, this is amazing news! I'm so happy for you!Seokjin: smiling Thanks, Tae. I was so nervous to tell you both. I can't believe it myself.
Jimin: hugging Seokjin This is incredible, Jin-hyung! You're going to be an amazing parent.
Tae: crying with joy I'm so happy, I can't stop crying! This is such a blessing, Jin-hyung.
Seokjin: laughing softly Tae, your tears are making me emotional too.
Jimin: smiling at Tae He's just so happy for you, Jin-hyung. We both are.
Seokjin: wiping a tear Thank you, both of you. There's more though...Tae: sniffling More?
Seokjin: nodding I want to surprise Namjoon with the news. I haven't told him yet. I want it to be a special moment.
Jimin: grinning That's such a great idea! Namjoon will be over the moon.
Tae: wiping his eyes Yes, he will! He loves you so much, Jin-hyung. This will be the best surprise ever.
Seokjin: smiling warmly I hope so. Thank you for being here with me. Your support means everything.
Jimin: hugging Seokjin again Always, Jin-hyung. We're family.
Tae: joining the hug We love you, Jin-hyung. And we'll be here every step of the way.
Seokjin: feeling overwhelmed with happiness I love you guys too. Now, let's start planning the perfect surprise for Namjoon.

Seokjin: So, guys, I want this to be really special for Namjoon. Any ideas on how we can surprise him?
Jimin: Hmm, how about we throw a small party? Just close friends and family. We can decorate the place and have a big reveal.
Tae: That sounds great! We could do it at your house, Jin-hyung. We can have balloons, decorations, and maybe even a cake.
Seokjin: I love that idea. But how should we reveal the news to him?
Jimin: How about a cake with a special message inside? When he cuts into it, there could be a note or a picture saying, "You're going to be a dad!"
Tae: Or we could do a gift box with baby items inside. When he opens it, he'll see baby clothes or toys.
Seokjin: Both ideas sound amazing. What if we combine them? We could have the cake and the gift box. That way, it's double the surprise!
Jimin: Perfect! We can all be there to see his reaction. And we can capture the moment with photos and videos.
Tae: Yes, we should definitely record it! Namjoon-hyung's reaction will be priceless.
Seokjin: Alright, let's split the tasks. Jimin, can you handle the decorations and the cake?
Jimin: Absolutely, hyung. I'll make sure everything looks perfect.
Seokjin: And Tae, can you take care of the gift box with the baby items?
Tae: Of course, Jin-hyung. I'll find the cutest baby clothes and toys.
Seokjin: Thank you, both of you. This is going to be so special. I can't wait to see Namjoon's face.
Jimin: Neither can we, hyung. It's going to be amazing.
Tae: I'm so excited! This is going to be the best surprise ever.
Seokjin: smiling Alright, let's get to work. We've got a lot to prepare!.

Seokjin: suddenly remembering Oh, and you know what? Namjoon's birthday is coming up in a week.
Jimin: excitedly That's right! What are you planning for him?
Seokjin: I think it would be the perfect time to tell him about the baby. I'll do the surprise reveal on his birthday.
Tae: wiping his eyes That's such a beautiful idea, hyung. Namjoon will be so thrilled.
Jimin: grinning He'll never forget this birthday. It's going to be amazing, Jin-hyung.
Seokjin: smiling warmly, I really hope so. And I was thinking we could invite some friends to celebrate with us. How about Yoongi, Jungkook, J-Hope, Amy, Jennie, and Lisa?
Tae: nodding That sounds perfect. They'd all love to be part of this special moment.And I get too see jungkook in person.
Jimin: excitedly Yes! They'll be so happy to hear the news. This is going to be such a memorable celebration.
Seokjin: feeling overwhelmed with happiness Thank you both for your support. Let's make this birthday unforgettable for Namjoon.


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