14. Namjoon birthday

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Before the Party - Conversation with Jimin and Tae:

Jimin: Tae, we need to make sure everything is perfect for Namjoon's birthday tonight.
Tae: I know, Jiminie. He's been working so hard lately. We should try to make this day stress-free for him.
Jimin: Definitely. Let's divide tasks. I'll handle decorations and setting up the music playlist.
Tae: Okay, I'll take care of coordinating the food and drinks. Oh, and we should make sure Jin's surprise goes smoothly too.
Jimin: Right. He's been so excited about it. I think he's planning something big.
Tae: It's going to be emotional. Namjoon will love it.
Jimin: I hope so. He deserves all the happiness. Let's get everything ready and make sure tonight is unforgettable for him.
Tae: Absolutely, Jiminie. Let's do this!

Conversation at the Birthday Party:

Jin: Alright, everyone, gather around! Namjoon, happy birthday, my love. I have a surprise for you.
Namjoon: Oh, Jin, you've already made today so special. What could it be?
Jin: Close your eyes first.
Namjoon: Okay, they're closed.
Jin: (Bringing out a small gift box) Okay, open your eyes now.

Namjoon: (Opens the gift box and sees a tiny pair of baby shoes) Jin, are these

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Namjoon: (Opens the gift box and sees a tiny pair of baby shoes) Jin, are these...?Jin: (Smiling tearfully) Yes, Joonie. We're going to have a baby.
Namjoon: (Overcome with emotion) Jin, I... I'm going to be a dad. (Pulls Jin into a tight hug) Thank you so much, babe. This is the best gift ever.
Jin: (Laughing happily) Happy birthday, Joonie. I love you so much.

Yoongi: Jin, that surprise reveal with the baby shoes was amazing. Namjoon looked genuinely moved.
J-Hope: Yeah, he was speechless for a moment there. It was such a beautiful moment.
Amy: Jin, how did you come up with such a heartwarming idea?
Jin: Well, I wanted to make his birthday unforgettable. I knew he'd love it, but seeing his reaction... I couldn't hold back the tears.
Jungkook: It was perfect, hyung. He was so happy. Congratulations to both of you!Jennie: Jin, you're going to be such an incredible mom. Namjoon is lucky to have you.
Amy: Seriously, it's moments like these that remind us why we're all so close. You guys are going to be amazing parents.
J-Hope: Cheers to the growing family!

Tae: Namjoon hyung, did you like the gift?Namjoon: Like it? Tae, it's incredible. A vintage record player with all my favorite albums. You guys really outdid yourselves.
Yoongi: We knew how much you love music, so we thought this would be perfect.
Jimin: And the custom vinyl collection? That was all Jin's idea.
Jin: (Blushing) Well, I wanted Joon to have something special from all of us.
J-Hope: It's perfect, hyung. Just like you deserve.
Jungkook: Yeah, we hope it brings you lots of joy, especially during late-night sessions.
Namjoon: Thank you, everyone. Seriously, this means the world to me. I'm so lucky to have you all.

Everyone where talking with their lover while tae and jungkook where alone . Taehyung is on his phone while jungkook was thinking if he should walk up to tae.

Jungkook: (Nervously approaching Tae) Hey, Tae. I don't think we've officially met. I'm Jungkook.
Tae: (Smiling warmly) Hi, Jungkook. I'm Tae. It's nice to finally meet you.
Jungkook: Yeah, definitely. Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung seem really happy tonight, especially with the baby news.
Tae: (Excitedly) I know, right? It's such a wonderful surprise. Jin hyung did an amazing job with that reveal.
Jungkook: (Chuckling) Yeah, he really did. By the way, I have to say, you look absolutely stunning tonight.
Tae: (Blushing) Oh, thank you, Jungkook. That's really sweet of you to say.
Jungkook: (Smiling) I mean it. Your presence lights up the room.
Tae: (Feeling a flutter in his chest) You're too kind, Jungkook. I have to admit, I've seen your work too. Your music and modeling are both incredible.
Jungkook: (Feeling a connection) Thanks, Tae. Say, would you like to grab a drink with me sometime? I'd love to get to know you better.
Tae: (Heart skipping a beat) I'd really like that, Jungkook. Let's make plans soon.They exchange contact and followed each other on IG .

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