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Author's pov

It was Sunday, and Jeia was writing in her journal, reflecting on her first week in the new place.


Journal Entry

One week has passed already, and I'm slowly adjusting to the new place. Grandma and Pari always make sure I feel at home. Even Sasha visits often. She isn't bad at all-in fact, she's very friendly, unlike her fiancé. Aarav, on the other hand, never misses a chance to make fun of me. Of course, I give it right back to him. And Mr. Singhania? He's as cold, rude, and grumpy as ever. I wonder if Sasha marries him, her life will be completely boring. I'll definitely pray for her.

Though I see Saniya at college, I still miss her, especially on weekends. She's my roommate who became family, at least that's how I feel, and I believe she feels the same. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have made it through these four years. After Ketaki, Saniya stood by me like a true friend. I'm forever grateful.


Jeia closed her journal.Just then, a knock on the door interrupted her moment. She put the journal aside and went to open the door.

As she opened the door, Aarav stood there. Without waiting for an invitation, he stepped into her room, brushing past her.

He looked around, his fingers grazing over her belongings. "Wow, Chipkali, nice room," he said

She stomped towards him, snatching the small stuffed toy from his hands. "What are you doing here?" she asked, annoyed.

"Oh, yes. Dadi told me to come get you. She has some work for you," he replied nonchalantly, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to barge into her space.

She placed the stuffed toy on the table and stepped out.

Aarav was about to follow her when something caught his eye: a small album on the table. His curiosity piqued, It was Jeia's school days album.

He flipped through the pages, stopping at a photo that made him pause. It showed an overweight girl with glasses and two ponytails standing next to another girl who seemed her complete opposite in every way. "Damn, is that her?" he muttered under his breath, staring at the picture

He couldn't help but wonder at how much she had changed yet look recognisable,the only thing that didn't change was her glasses,she still wears glasses. Seizing the moment, he quickly took out his phone, snapped a few pictures of the photograph, and carefully returned the album to its original place.He slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked out.

At night

It was a Sunday, and Aarav and his friends decided to hit the town. Their destination was CLUB VORTEX, Delhi's most expensive dance club, reserved only for elites.

As soon as they entered, the loud music embraced them. Walking past a corridor bustling with people lost in their own worlds,kissing and making out, they finally reached the bar counter.

The bartender greeted them as Aarav's friends eagerly ordered their drinks. Turning to Aarav, the bartender asked, "Your usual, sir?"

Aarav nodded in response.

Soon, they were immersed in the night, dancing and drinking to their hearts' content. Aarav, however, rarely drinks and always ensures he stays within his limits. He loves this place.

After a while, Rohan, one of Aarav's friends, exclaimed, "Damn, she looks hot even in those simple clothes," while staring at his phone's screen.

This caught Aarav's attention. "Who?" he asked.

"Jeia, your classmate. Look, she posted these pictures today," Rohan replied.

Aarav shifted his gaze to the screen and saw Jeia's photos. Recognizing the outfit from earlier, he thought to himself, "She does look beautiful.No wait what?"

Aarav chuckled and said, "If only you knew her for real, you'd want to stay away from that girl."

"Oh, come on, Aarav. She can't be that bad," Rohan countered.

"Bad?" Aarav scoffed. "She is evil," he added.

"She's your enemy; that's why you think like that," Sameer chimed in.

"Whatever you say, Aarav, she is SEXY. Those glasses make her look innocent but hot, totally my type. I wonder how her skin feels-you don't know how much I want to feel her and fuc-" Rohan's words were cut off as Aarav grabbed his collar.

Don't you dare finish that," Aarav warned sharply. "She is not that type.

Rohan's eyes widened, startled by Aarav's sudden intensity. He quickly composed himself, "Okay, okay, chill man.Didn't know you were protective of her. thought you hated her," Rohan remarked cautiously,

"Just... respect her, alright?",aarav declared

"I'll head out," he added tersely, and Sameer silently trailed after him.

"What was that?" Sameer asked as soon as they stepped outside.

What?" Aarav replied.

."All that stuff you pulled in there. You claim Jeia is your enemy, so why did you act like that?" Sameer pressed, his tone tinged with disbelief.

"I think I forgot my phone on the bar table," Aarav muttered, brushing off Sameer's questions.

"You wait here, I'll go get it. I don't want any more drama," Sameer sighed.

He headed back inside.Entering the bustling bar area, Sameer spotted Aarav's phone beside Rohan, Sameer swiftly retrieved the phone, nodding farewell to the others as he made his way out.

It was 2:35 in the morning,

Aarav took his phone from Sameer. They were both exhausted. He realized his phone was about to die he locked his phone and kept it in pocket,just as their ride arrived. They quickly got into the car.

After dropping Sameer off, Aarav headed straight home, feeling extra exhausted.

To be continued...


''Listen to me, Jeia, just this once!" Aarav pleaded

With red, weary eyes, Jeia responded, "Ab kehne ko kuch nahi bacha,I had no idea you hated me so much. Now just go to hell, Singhania."
(There's nothing left to say)

She slammed the door in his face."

What did aarav do now?? 😭
Stay tuned!!!

My Instagram handle is
@kwr.ites for updates and spoilers

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