Chapter 1

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Spring, southern Italy ,1676

Lovino woke up from the sound of his grandfather and brother talking in the kitchen. Lovino changed out of his night clothes into the regular light brown shirt he had normally liked to wear and pants and slip on shoes. He walked out into the hall. When he walked into the kitchen he could see his grandfather telling another over told story to his brother Feliciano.

When his grandpa looked over at Lovino he smiled and said good morning. "Morning", Lovino said and walked past his brother, ruffling his hair. "Morning Lovi", Feliciano perked. Romano gave him a quick smile before opening the front door. "Lovi? Leaving so soon", grandpa roma asked as he sat up from his chair. "Well I have a damn job so yes, am leaving so soon", Lovi said, obviously annoyed since his grandfather did this almost every time Lovi left for the tomato fields.

His grandpa chuckled,"I know Lovi...I know well have a good day and don't forget", he cut off his sentence for Lovino to finish it for him. "I know grandpa...bring some from work I know you don't need to remind me", Lovino said with a roll if the eyes. His grandpa patted him on the back,"good", he said before walking back in to the kitchen. Lovino waved to his brother before walking out the door.

Lovi walked through the small town before walking up to the farm he worked at. The owner was a Frenchman named Francis. "Ah welcome back lovi! Your apron is in the back ok", Francis said and pointed to the back inside of the barn. Lovino nodded and thanked him before walking to the back and putting on his green apron. He tied the back and grabbed the basket he normally used. Lovino waved off to the owner before heading into the tomato fields. He always went further back so if he snuck any of the tomatoes, no one would see. It was also quite peaceful and since his job lasted until sunset.

He looked out at all the plants and smiled. It was very quiet...very enjoyable for him. He shook his head slightly and smiled to himself as he started picking the tomatoes and putting them in the basket. When ever he would find a really good looking one he would, of course save it for himself. Every once and a while he would just eat one. He would wipe it off on his apron and make sure there weren't any bugs on it before eating it straight up. He had always loved tomatoes since he was little. Which was the main reason he wanted the job. And his house hold did need the money. They weren't exactly poor but they weren't rich either. But they were probably more poor than rich.

As romano picked the tomatoes he saw a few bad ones and threw them away. He grabbed the last few that would fill his first basket and headed back to get a new one.

As he walked towards the barn he could see Francis reading a letter from some one. Lovino didn't think much of it so he just set the basket on one of the hay stacks and grabbed a new basket. As he started to walk back into the field he could see that it was going to be sunset soon. "Dannazione....I dont want to go back home so soon", Lovino said to himself.

As he walked into the field and grabbed the tomatoes that were ripe, he looked down to where he came from and didn't even realize how far in he had gotten. He sighed and began to walk back. He watched as the sun fell slowly and took in all the wonderful colors of the sunset. When he got back to the barn he could see Francis asleep on a chair. He put the basket down next to the other one he had and walked over to him. He gently shook him awake,"Francis? I'm finished", Lovino said. The man nodded and handed Lovino his pay for the day. Lovino smiled and put the money away in one of his pockets and put the apron up before leaving the farm.

Lovino walked back home and opened the front door when he got there. He was greeted by his brother as usual. "Ciao fratello! How did you do today? I bet you did good. Did you bring any tomatoes", his brother rambled on and on and Lovino patted his head,"calmarsi Feli I did better than yesterday and..", Lovino pulled a tomato from his pocket,"I brought some tomatoes". His brother smiles and hugged Lovino,"yay! Grandpa will be very happy", his brother chirped. Lovino smiled,"were you able to get anything from the market today Feli", he asked. Feliciano nodded and handed him his basket. It carried some bread, apples, and pasta which was kind of hard to get. Lovino smiled and gave his brother the tomatoes to put them away.

Lovino had totally forgot about hus grandfather,"oh feliciano...where is grandpa anyways", Lovi asked as he went in to the kitchen where his brother was. Feliciano turned around,"oh he's out somewhere and he didn't exactly tell me where", Feliciano said as he finished putting away the other food. Lovino nodded ,still unsure, but shrugged it off. Lovino grabbed one of the tomatoes and began to eat it, until he heard the front door opened. He turned around and his grandpa closed the door. Feliciano jumped happily and ran over to his grandpa to greet him with a hug. The elder man smiled and hugged him back,"ciao Feli! I see your doing good, and ciao Lovino how'd you do today", Grandpa Roma asked as he walked over to the eldest grandson. Lovino reached into his pockets and handed the small bag of coins to his grandfather. His grandpa smiled widely and emptied half of the bag and handed the rest to Lovino.

Lovino smiled brightly and took the money gladly. "Grazie grandpa...grazie", Lovino said happily as he put the coins in his pocket.

His grandfather nodded,"well since you've done so well about we make pasta to night?" Feliciano smiled and danced around like a child since he absolutely loved pasta. Lovi was also quite happy about the idea and nodded.

After dinner they discussed how their days went and what happened and so on. Romano went to the room that he shared with his brother and changed into his night clothes. Once he was changed he laid on his bed. He thought about what he should do with the money his grandfather let him keep. He sighed and turned on his side and fell asleep.

Le sadz cuz I failed! ^^; anyways I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'll see ya in the next one!

~YFG ❤

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