Waves of Silence

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They navigate a world of whispers,
Where shadows creep in soft and low,
A turbulent ocean rages inside,
While the world outside remains oblivious and slow.

Each heartbeat pounds like a drum,
Fierce and wild, a staccato beat,
Their mind is a vessel tossed by storms,
Adrift in waters deep and turbulent, hard to repeat.

Their eyes scan faces in the crowd,
Searching for solace, a sense of peace,
In a world that's harsh and dull, a blur,
Where anxiety and stress never cease.

Their breath catches like a snare,
In a chest that's tight and constricted too,
Words escape them, lost in the din,
As they struggle to express what they're going through.

They wear a mask of calm and serenity,
A practiced disguise, a quiet facade,
Concealing the turmoil that rages within,
Behind eyes that seem steady, but are actually quite frayed.

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