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"When we arrive at the castle, you will remain by our side, speak to no one other than us and the King, do you understand?"

"Of course father." The carriage goes over a small bump, causing us to move up slightly.

"I know the King will accept you out of the many that have tried." Her mother voices. She sat next to her father, dressed beautifully in cream, matching her father's cream suit.

To make a bold statement, her father thought it wise for them all to dress in the same color; the King's favorite color.

"I will do my best father." Her father hums in approval.

The carriage comes to a stop outside the castle, her father and mother being the first to step out.

"God of Heaven grants you grace sister." A smile stretches unto Lume's face and she nods; both soon following their parents up the grand staircase.


As they walk through the hall lead by a guard, her mother would quietly whisper words of advise to her.

"The King is not a man to take lightly my dear. Today can determine our destiny, whether good or for the best." Lume smiles lightly at her mother's words. She knew no one was to speak badly of today's events. If they doubted that the King would accept her, her father demanded they do not speak openly of it.

"I will not fail mother." She reassured her mother, softly tapping her daughters hand.

She could sense that her mother was worried. The denial of the King meant the downfall of their reputation and life; the stories she's heard of the families whose daughters were gifted to the King, but were not get accepted—of how hard it is for them to find a husband even now.

Lady Elizabeth truly hoped, her daughter would be the one to be accepted. That her husband was not wrong on his decision.

The sound of music can be heard dancing off the walls, as they got closer the ballroom; the guard suddenly halting and turning to face them. He was dressed finely in the royal armor. His muscles perfectly covered, by the silver armor with blue detailing.

Many stories tell of the fear many have for the blue knights. How they are as ruthless in battle as their King.

"I will take the gift you have prepared for the King here, and place it in the holding room until time. You all can continue forward to the ballroom." He tells them.

They all turn to her and she walks forward, causing the guard to watch them all skeptically.

"I found her attire strange, but thought of it as her personal belief of covering, but my suspicions were correct. You plan to gift the King a woman?" He said in an almost mocking tone.
"He has not accepted a woman as a gift in years, why waste your breath and put shame on your child and family's name?"

"Because she will be accepted." Her father spoke with confidence. The guard huffs, shaking his head at the man.

"Your downfall shall not be on our King's head." He replies. Her father slightly moves forward to confront the man, but she turns stopping him.

"It is alright Father. All will be well." She reassured him, and he looks away from the man to her.

For the first time since the announcement of the ball, he felt the pressure of doubt beginning to fill his mind. He knew many thought that his idea was idiotic, but he believed strongly that she would be accepted.

"All will be well." She says to him again, recognizing the emotion in her father's eyes.
He nods, and she turns towards the guard again.

"The three of you may walk on forward; straight ahead, until you reach the double doors at the end." They nod, looking towards her again, she nods for them to go.

When they were no longer in viewing sight, the guard walks towards the wall to their left, stopping as close to it as possible, and whispering three words she did not understand.

The wall splits open to reveal a large storage room, stacked with many lavish gifts. Gold and silver, the finest of wrappers.

What truly could they have all possibly given to the King?

"How would you know whose is which?" She turns to the guard asking. He stares at her for a brief moment before replying.

"I would know." He curtly replies.

"Of course." She softly mutters. He stared at her with calculating eyes, she's sure trying to figure out who was the woman under the silk covering.

"I'll have someone bring you something to eat while you wait. The giving of gifts will begin after dinner." He finally speaks, turning to leave.

"May I have some cherries?" The man stops,facing her again.


"Hm." Through her side of the fabric, she could see a slight tugging of his lips upward. At least I got him to smile. She thought to herself.

"Of course." He says and leaves.


Chapters will be longer sometimes. Yet I'm flowing with the flow of things and how the writing goes.

I hope you guys like it.

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