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She counted the steps as she took them; one step higher, one step closer. His eyes seemed to pierce through the material and into hers, as if there wasn't a veil blocking them.

She had no idea how she was walking so easily, without looking to check her step; It's as if her body simply knew just what to do. Where to go.

When she finally reach the top step, she did not move from the edge, leaving the little distance between them.

The room was as silent as the night is in the Darzacks forest where the Willowfins live, and she only knows this because her mother has taken her there one night of every week to retrieve a custard treatment from Madam Margaret that is known to possess marvelous hair strengthening and beautifying qualities.

She understood why her mother would do that, seeing as Willowfins are known around the Kingdom for having the most beautiful hair.

She also knew that everyone who had a part to play in preparation is awaiting the results of their hard work. And indeed they have all worked hard to make her almost divinely beautiful.

They remained in complete silence for some time, the wait making her feel slightly uneasy. He just stared at her, without saying a word. No emotion present on his face.

"You are the gift, Jasmine has not ceased speaking about." He suddenly speak, causing her eyes to widen in shock.

"I..." he raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow. The thickness of it was truly something many of the women in the Kingdom would envy. She remembers her sister talking to her friend about it one night previously.

"You may speak freely. I have concealed the air around us; none can hear our conversation." Oh. She thought.

"I met her while waiting to be presented, your majesty." He hums, shifting to lean back in his seat.

"I was confused as to why the topic on the lips of my servants was of a woman to be gifted to me." She gasps.

"You knew I was here the entire time?"

"I am King." Was his response and she slowly nods, knowing it to be true. Not only is he known to be cold, but he is know to be very powerful.

None knows to the extent of his power. Even now, there was nothing surrounding them, yet he has concealed the air around them he said.

"Come closer to me." He commands, causing her eyes to widen, and her nerves to kick into overdrive.

"Or should I come to you?" He says, moving to stand, but she takes a step forward, halting his movements.

When she stopped in front of him, her hands held tightly to the sides of her dress, her hands slightly shaking.

She wasn't scared, just nervous.

He suddenly stands to his feet, causing her to step back in surprise at how close they were, but as if embarrassment was on her side, she steps wrongly on her heel, causing her to lose her balance, resulting in him having to grab her by her waist to stop her from falling.

Her body almost immediately responded to his touch, goosebumps raising on her arms, a soft gasp leaving her lips.

She almost swore she heard him hum lowly, as he tightened his hold on her, wrapping his arm even more around her waist.

"Your Majesty." she softly whispered.

"You said your eyes were as blue as our scared waters. The shade of blue is undoubtedly my favorite one." She stared at him wide eyed; shocked that he knew of the conversation she had with Jasmine, and that his favorite color was not actually cream; and somehow he seemed to know exactly where her eyes were.

Could he see her clearly? Did the veil not hide her from him?

"May I unveil you?"

"You are King, your majesty." She softly responds.
"You need not to ask." He shakes his head.

"A woman's permission is as powerful as a King's command."

"Your Majesty...." What was she to say to that? How was one to respond?
The King's command was the most powerful in the Kingdom, and he compares my giving of permission to it.

"May I?" He asks again, her head moving on its own according, as she simply stared at him.

His hands slowly moved to hold the ends of the material, her heart beating erratically in her chest.

Could he feel it? She asked herself. Her palms rested against his chest, both tightly fisted against the suit jacket.

As it goes to lift over her face, she quickly closed her eyes, her mouth parted open slightly, as it was a little hard for her to breathe.

He releases the veil to the ground, proceeding to gently stroke her hair. Her marveled at how beautiful her hair was. The yellowish blonde locks, soft to his touch, and oh how divine the smell of that was that filled his nose.

Bringing some of the strands to his nose, he takes a deep breath in, feeling his senses become calm at the floral scent. It was unlike any flower he has ever smelt.

Opening his eyes again, he stared at her, silenced in disbelief at the beauty she beheld even with her eyes tightly shut.

How can one be this beautiful? He thought to himself.

"I truly believe none holds beauty as my Lume does." Her father's words came back to his mind. He truly held respect towards the man for his confidence. Many didn't possess such.

He was wholeheartedly confident, that she was the most beautiful, and he now understood why he was.

His Lume indeed was beautiful.

"Lume." He whispers her name out loud, jolting her eyes to open.

"God of Heaven." He mutters, awestruck by the rich sky blue eyes that stared back at him. Sparkling just as the scared water does when light hits it. The wonder of their Kingdom, and her... a wonder to the King.

"Your majesty..."

He dismantles the transparent illusion of her still standing at a distance from him, the loud gasps causing Lume to look behind her, her father smiling brightly as her sister and mother held on to his arms, tears coming to their eyes.

Others looked on in disbelief; those who were gossiping in mockery, pleased to see the King staring coldly at the veiled girl that stood at a distance from him, now to reveal that it was simply an illusion to the truth that was truly before them.

He held her as if she was already his, and her father could not be anymore pleased with this result. He knew she would gain his favor. He knew the King would not send her away as he has done with others.

His heart warmed with pride. They had prepared for this from the moment she was born; kept her hidden from all eyes. He was determined to not only make their family name a high ranking one, but to surpass all those who mocked at them when his wife was found to be barren.

Fed them the lie for years that his adopted daughter Laura was the only child they had.

He promised himself when he stared down at the biggest, most beautiful blue eyes he had ever beheld—promised himself that he would marry her into a family that would silence all those who mocked them. That he would make her the most beautiful amongst them all.

He had to be harsh, had to limit her freedom; he had to be strict. It was necessary. It was needed. Even then, he loved her, with all his heart.

When he revealed that she was his daughter, the shocked reactions on the mockers was worth it. It was all worth it.

The miracle child they said he would never have, held closely to the King's side. He could not stop his tears.

"Your majesty..." the Grand Duke goes to speak, but he raises his hand stopping him.
The King looked directly to Lume's father, the older man standing straighter, trying his best to blink away the tears that continued to blind him.

"I accept your daughter Lume Windward as my wife."



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