Chapter 2 - Convenience store and Horikita.

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As I walking to leave the classroom Hirata called out, "Ayanokouji, can you come here for a second?" He asked.

I looked towards him with a smile on my face, "Of course!" I called out.

Walking to Hirata I saw he was surrounded by a couple girls, due to the introductions I was familiar with their names. The girls were Karuizawa Kei, Matsuhita Chiaki, Sato Maya, and Shinohara Satsuki. Outside of Shinohara they were all beautiful girls.

"What'd you need?" I asked.

"We were wondering if you wanted to come with us to the mall?" He asked.

"You should totally come with!" Karuizawa exclaimed.

"Sorry but I want to get some necessities first," I replied.

Seeing their dejected faces I spoke out again, "If you're still at the mall I'll go after I'm done!" I said with a smile.

Their faces perked up hearing this, "Can we exchange contacts?" Matsuhita asked, seeing her friends gain a teasing smile she quickly spoke out again, "S-so I can let him know if we're still at the mall!" She blurted out.

"Of course!" I said, giving another small smile, "I'll text you when I'm done!" I exclaimed.

Karuizawa smirked slightly, "Great! We'll see you later."

With that I left the classroom, heading towards the closest convenience store. My phone has proven to be useful as without the use of the map function on the phone I most likely would've been walking around in search of one.

This persona of mine will be difficult to maintain throughout the year, my plan was to be able to fit in perfectly. I want people to recognize me as someone popular and approachable but not as a go to person for issues and advice. I needed to be sociable as well but I also needed to make sure to properly display myself as a talented individual but not one that's above everyone. I need to be above average in everything, scoring in top 5 in every class and being physically competent as well. I cannot be an exceptional person but I also cannot be a mediocre person.

This mask was carefully created and practiced with the help of Matsuo throughout the previous four months. I spent every day meticulously going through every motion and action I needed to, I practiced smiling and laughing until the muscles around my lips were twitching and until my throat was scratchy and sore. I studied every social interaction I could, whether it was from movies, books, or shows. I'm well aware it isn't perfect and that some exceptional students or those who've already seen someone like me will be able to see through it. But I don't need to trick the exceptional students as there's most likely only 4-5 in our entire year.

Despite all of my preparations and practice I knew that this mask of mine will be exhausting to wear constantly. Every interaction of mine so far had been calculated, every smile, every laugh, every word of mine was calculated. Of course I'm bound to make mistakes due to the lack of social experience but nonetheless every single action has been calculated. When Hirata and the girls invited me to the mall I had to quickly assess the best way to reject the offer but still seem sociable, as a safety measure I had to agree to go to the mall after I finished getting necessities. Every interaction required careful thought; Would rejecting make me seem antisocial? Would agreeing too quickly make me seem desperate? I had to pick the best course of action, which in that case was to disagree for a moment but agree in the long run.

The academic aspect of things will not be difficult by any means, I'll know every single answer and in turn I'll be able to alter my grades however I want to. Perhaps increasing them slightly throughout the year to make others believe I'm studying will be the best course of action. The physical aspect also won't be difficult but more annoying than the academic side, for the physical aspect I'll have to pretend to be tired after completing menial tasks. It'll be more of an annoyance than an issue in difficulty. I have to be in the perfect sweet spot athletically which requires me to study my classmates, I don't want to be surpassing the students who's only strength is athleticism but I also don't want to be too far behind them. Competent and reliable but not extraordinary.

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