12 - This isn't okay. I'm not okay!

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Weekends seriously need to be longer man

{Uzi's POV}

N and I sat on my bed looking down at V. She was sitting against my desk with a blank, lost, expression on her face. N looked at me and gave me a slight nudge. I nodded.

I hopped off my bed and sat down in front of V. She stared at the wall, her legs curled against her body and her arms resting on her knees.

"Hey, stupid idiot."

V didn't even spare me a glance. Typically she'd send me a snarky remark, or a glare, but no. Not this time.

"Look, I'm not trying to annoy you, just checking in on you. N... and I... we're worried about you." V continued staring at the wall.

"I promise we'll find her. She's probably on her way back as we speak. She's-"

"It's all my fault..." V whimpered. She buried her head in her arms and spoke quietly.

"Hey, it's not your fault. You were only trying to protect her-"

V's head shot up, her eyes wide and angry. "I LEFT HER ON A SNOWBANK! SHE'S GONE BECAUSE OF ME! Now she's off somewhere, probably in harm's way, all because of me!" V's expression turned to one of guilt and fear. She buried her head in her arms once again.

I sighed. "We did everything we could. We searched those snow banks for hours! She either left or... something... someone took her. It's okay. We'll get her back... And! She's strong! S's one of the strongest drones I've ever met! I know she'll be okay." I spoke softly, gently placing a hand on V's shoulder.

V sniffled and looked up at me. I smiled softly. She suddenly lunged forward and tackled me in a hug. "Oof" I rubbed her back as she cried and sobbed. Her breaths were quick and shallow, her cries loud and pained. I looked up at N with a sad expression. N looked down at me with sorrow and sympathy on his face. I don't think N's ever seen this side of V before. This is probably completely new for him.

V sobbed for a few minutes. Nobody spoke, nobody moved. We all just stayed in place, letting V get it all out.

"I'm just... I'm just... I'm such a horrible friend! And to think that she'd even like someone like me is such a false hope. I don't know what's wrong with me! Something's wrong with me! I was meant to kill, not meant to think or have emotion! I thought this task would be easy and quick... but it's been so long and I'm so sad and just... ugh! I'm just-!"


N hopped down from my bed and knelt on the floor next to us. "I was scared when I started feeling emotions too. It was so new and so different. But it wasn't a bad different. It was exciting! When I met Uzi my whole perspective and mind changed. I wasn't even thinking about murder or oil. It's okay to feel these emotions and feelings. You thought it couldn't be possible to gain such a great connection with S but you did! You didn't ever think S could disappear, let alone that you'd miss her this badly. It's okay. You like S so much and she likes you so much. You're such a big part of each other's lives. There's no way anything could ever pull you two apart for long. That's why you're such great friends."

V sniffled and looked up at N. "I don't-"

"Oh come on, we both know you have a crush on S. It's pretty obvious." N grinned and I smirked.


N and I squealed for a moment but stopped when V started to cry again. At least this time it wasn't as bad as before, she wasn't hysterically crying, just sobbing quietly.

"Hey uh. I found something... at the campsite. It's a videotape. I think it'll help us figure out more about what you are Uzi." N spoke, holding up a videotape. Still hugging V, I looked up at him and grinned. "Show me!"

He handed me the tape. V finally stopped crying and let me go. "I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from... I-"

"You don't have to apologize. We're all worried about S. I understand how you're feeling right now." Uzi spoke quickly, trying to get V to shut up and stop thinking her guilty thoughts. "Let's be friends... just for now," I spoke, smiling at V. She smiled and nodded. "Okay."

I looked down at the tape, analyzing it for a second before a realization hit me. "Wait... look!" I got up from the floor and ran to my desk to grab some papers. "What?" They asked in unison as I sat down with the documents that we found in Doll's apartment a few weeks ago.

"These documents have the same symbol as the one on this tape!" I said, pointing to the logo on the tape and the papers. "It says... Cabin Fever Labs... maybe S got curious about her brother and went looking for him! I know it's kind of a stretch but it's our best bet. We've got nothing to lose!"

V looked at the documents, flipping through the pages of each one, stopping at the one that had S's profile on it. She looked at the picture of S with a sad smile.

"This tape will not only possibly help us find out where S is, but it could help us figure out what you are! It seems like a win-win situation to me!" N added excitedly. I grinned. "What do ya say V?" I looked over at her.

V looked up. "I'll do whatever it takes to find her."

"I'll take that as a yes."


Woah surprise art? Possibly something that'll happen in the book? :OOO


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