13 - I'm sorry, sister.

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1136 words

"Don't look it in the eyes! Head down!" Z barked orders at me left and right. It was for my own good so I didn't care much. I kept practicing using my soundboard and clicker. I flicked my tail, my new clicker came loose easily and made a satisfying noise. The sentinel that was in front of me stopped in its tracks and tilted its head in confusion and interest.

"Yeah... that's it you stupid dinosaur," I mumbled as I slowly moved closer to the sentinel. My brother watched me with a careful eye from the darkness above. He sat in the rafters, ready to jump in if things got messy.

The sentinel made sounds that my transmitters translated as calm, interested sounds. I continued advancing on the sentinel, my movements slow and precise. "S, what are you doing?" Z asked through the earpiece I was wearing. I didn't reply. "S! Seriously, that's close enough! We're done for today." I continued until I was only a few inches away from the sentinel. It stared at me. I clicked my tail again.

The sentinel made a few clicking noises with its mouth, even some happy ones. I reached my hand out to the sentinel. I just wanna test a theory... "S!"

That's when it put its snout to my palm. I waited a minute, expecting it to bite or attack me, but it never did. I grinned excitedly. The sentinel almost wagged its tail, looking happily at me. I clicked my tongue in the back of my throat while I flicked my tail a few times. I think clicking is the main sound here. The sentinel circled me quickly, in a playful movement.

Z jumped down beside me. The sentinel growled. I thought for sure it would've attacked me but instead, it just stood in front of me... in a protective manner... It growled at Z. "Woah, hey! He's my friend!" I spoke quickly. The sentinel looked at me for a second before backing up. Woah, it's like it can understand me!

"Come on S, let's go," Z spoke sternly, turning around before jumping up into the rafters, and out of sight. I watched him leave before looking back at the sentinel again. It looked at me curiously and nudged me in the side. "I've gotta go, buddy. I should give you a name though... just so I can recognize you. What about... Azure? Like your eyes? No... this is stupid. You can't even understand me... it was a stupid thought." I turned away and was about to jump to the rafters but the sentinel jumped in front of me.

"Woah hey-" It nudged me with its snout, this time more aggressively. "What?" It nudged me again. "Azure?" It made a chirping noise, almost like it was excited. "Azure," I repeated. It chirped again. "Can you understand me? How is this possible?" The sentinel nudged me again. I smiled. "Okay. Maybe I'll see you again Azure. Bye." And with that, I turned and jumped into the rafters to avoid being caught by any "unfriendly" sentinels.

My only question is... can it understand me and how? These things were programmed to kill any drones they came in contact with. I'll have to learn more.

☆ + ☆

I sat at the camera desk, doodling the sentinel I'd seen earlier. I sighed. This is extremely boring.

Everything was running pretty smoothly. Alice and Z spoke silently behind me. I wonder what they're- "Hey S, come here." Z spoke. Welp. Guess I'm about to find out. I stood up and Beau took my place in the camera chair. "We need to talk to you about something," Z spoke, patting the spot next to him on the couch. I sat next to him. Alice sat to his right while I sat on his left.

"So, before we can give you your own bracelets and gadgets... we'll need your confirmation on something." Z spoke, his elbows resting on his knees while he looked at me. Alice watched silently. I think this is the first time she's been quiet since I first arrived. Something's off. "Okay." I shrugged. Don't seem suspicious.

Z looked down then back up at me. "I'm gonna need you to pledge."

I let out a breath.


"You need to pledge your commitment to our group. We need you to confirm that you'll risk your life for our group. Pledge your life to this. If we're ever in danger, you won't hesitate to step in. You won't hesitate to kill anything that tries to harm us." Z spoke slowly and carefully, watching my every move and reaction, like a hawk. No emotion. No reaction. Slow, calm breaths. I'm clearly not okay with this and I'm secretly internally panicking right now.

"Yeah, I can do that."

"Okay. Great. I'm gonna need actual word-for-word confirmation. I need you to say it."

"I- Uhm... what should I say?" Shit, what do I do? Can I lie? I think I'm a pretty believable liar. I think they're dumb enough to believe me. They aren't the brightest in the bunch anyway...

"Say these words. I pledge my alliance to you and I swear to protect you from anything and everything. Now, go." I sighed quietly.

I guess I'll just have to wing it.

"I pledge my alliance to you and I swear to protect you from anything and everything," I repeated. A bead of sweat appeared on my visor. I covered it with my hair, praying they didn't notice. "Great! Now you're officially a part of the squad!" Z grinned. I looked at Alice but she was gone. "Where did-"

All I heard was static. The alarms blared in my head. Not just my system alarms but my mental, gut alarms too. The alarms that tell you something bad's gonna happen. Well, I guess this is what happens when you don't listen to your gut.

Static. Warnings. Betrayal.


They knew.

"That's great. But we just don't trust you. You put up a good act, I'll admit." Z chuckled dryly. "We may not be the brightest but we're not dumb. We know you won't be able to fight your friends, hell, you probably would hesitate to kill that sentinel from earlier! You've changed. You've gotten weak, sister."

I couldn't respond. My body was frozen. I was tased in the back by Alice. How could I be so blind? "I'm sorry sister. Goodbye."

Then everything went black.

I might add some MD doodles of S and some other MD characters in the next chapter. I'm still working out the kinks of Wattpad. Although I've been using this app for about a year now, I've only been writing for about a month soo yeah! I would try and add the photos to this chapter but I'm writing this kinda late and I have school super early tomorrow so I'll try and fit some in with the next chapter this weekend. Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! I enjoy going back and reading ur comments. Stay silly!


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