14 - Hacking into the memories of murderers

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Sorry in advance, this chapter is super long (5000 words) and super boring but it had to be written. This chapter's solely based off of episode 5 so if you don't like it I understand, I don't like it either. Just don't hate on me haha, I promise the next chapter will be more exciting.

N, V, and Uzi all quickly realized that the tape was useless. Kinda. All it talked about was how to correctly disassemble a drone. It did talk a tiny bit about Uzi's powers, but it was just her new form. It said that if a drone were to be left unattended and not properly disassembled, it would turn into a "zombie drone".

Uzi's mother had these powers but what confused the group was why. She (probably) wasn't properly disassembled by Khan which would make sense, but the confusing part was that she had these powers before being disassembled. She had them when she was still alive.

"This makes no sense! How could she have these powers if she was functioning perfectly fine? Sure, my dad probably did a shitty job dissembling her, but she already had these powers before that! I'm so confused!" Uzi rambled, her hands on her head as she paced around her bedroom.

V sat on the floor against Uzi's bed, watching her pace. She was slowly becoming herself again but S never left her mind. "We'll figure something out, Uzi," N spoke, gently putting a hand on her shoulder. Uzi sighed and plopped down on her purple bean bag chair.

"I... it's all kinda fuzzy but... I remember... back at the manor... I remember seeing drones with your wings." V explained slowly, recalling her past traumas from the Elliot Manor.

N and Uzi looked up at V with surprised expressions. "Maybe this has something to do with you guys! Is there anything else you remember?" Uzi jumped up from her seat and ran over to sit in front of V. "No, not really." V shrugged, putting her hands in her lap.

"What if... I know it might not work, but what if we hacked into our memories? It could tell us more about these "zombie drones". Maybe it could lead us to S? I don't know... I swear I remember drones having wings exactly like yours... It's just all so fuzzy..."

"V, THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!" Uzi shouted. She jumped up once again and ran to her computer.

The little bug that Uzi found back at the abandoned cabin crawled up onto her desk. She smiled. "Hey little guy, how are you?"

The bug replied: "I'm doing well. How are you? :))"

"I'm doing fine. Getting closer to finding out what's wrong with me..." Uzi muttered so only the bug could hear. "We almost have enough information to find S so that's good!" Uzi grinned excitedly. The bug hopped up and down happily.

{Uzi's POV}

After finding all of the necessary materials I needed to construct the experiment, I sat down at my desk and signed into my computer. My little bug friend watched what I did on the screen, he sat near my right hand. I smiled. "You good, Uzi?" N asked from my bed. The two were sitting at the foot of my bed with cords attached to their heads, connecting them to my computer. "Yep, almost ready to start."

I clicked a few more buttons and then it was ready. "Okay. I'll try to connect my mind to something in your past universe so I can guide you. You'll both have only your past memories so you won't remember me. I'll try my best to guide you guys out of trouble. Ready?" I turned to face them in my desk chair. N nodded excitedly. V looked unsure but nodded. V's been through a lot the past few days and I honestly think she's just doing this to find S, but aren't we all? We're gonna find her. I sighed. "Okay let's do this. Three... two... one." I typed the finishing code into my computer.

V and N shut down, their visors displaying their trademark disassembly drone X. "Okay... let's see here." After a little trial and error, I was able to target an organism that I could transform into, er, transport my mind to, more like. I finished the code and clicked accept.

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