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As Rose sat in front of her vanity, sipping water and getting ready for her acting gig, a hurried voice called out her name. "Rose! It's your turn to go up on the runway!" It was her acting agent. "Thank you, ma'am," Rose replied hurriedly. With confidence, she stepped onto the runway, ready to showcase her talent. But suddenly, she felt unwell. Her head throbbed, and everything went black... When she woke up, she found herself in a hospital room, wearing a hospital gown with the unexpected presence of Cal, her ex-fiancé (kind of). As she gasped, a thousand thoughts filled her mind: How did he find me? What does he want from me? Panic took over Rose's entire body. She stood up from her hospital bed and began to tip-toe out of the hospital room, then realised the door was locked. "What?..." she said under her breath. She shook the door handle so loud that Cal had woken up.

To be continued...

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