Muzan -2-

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Muzan chased dreams he knew would never come true. Becoming an actor, a singer, starting a band. He had dreamt of all of these things. He wanted fame, because power came with it. He was a very hypocritical person.

Now here he was, back at his house. A whole night at the hospital, diagnosis after diagnosis of diseases his parents had ignored, leaving him sickly and without treatment. Muzan laid back in the cushioning of his cold bed, thinking. Being finally taken to the hospital spared his mind the tedium of a seige, but of what cost?


"Kibutsuji, what's your business with my biwa?"

Muzan had been sent straight back to school the next week, as his parents wanted him to continue in his education if he managed to beat cancer. His immediate response was to cut class and head down to the music room.

Nakime stood infront of him, her bangs straightened over one of her eyes. 'Chunibyo freak'. Muzan jumped at the sudden confrontation, nearly dropping the guitar in his hands.
"Chun- Nakime. Biwa? Nevermind. I had no idea this was your guitar, sorry."
Despite the apology, Nakime commented on his words.
"Biwa. It can summon the infinity fortress."
It was insane at how she spoke with such a calm tone, and the expression on her face was even calmer.

Obviously, this confused Muzan. It was a guitar, and what was the infinity fortress? Despite her looks and smarts, Nakime was the school Chunibyo, spouting on and on about an infinite fortress whenever she got her hands on her 'biwa'. Even thought it was strange, most people didn't really mind.

Other than the sudden appearance, Muzan was mainly in the music room to check out the instruments. It's where he enjoyed imagining having a band, made up of many famous song artists. Nakime was currently distracting him from his imagination, so he was hoping she'd leave.

"Why are you in here anyways, Kibutsuji? Do you need me to do anything?"
Nakime asked, seemingly hopeful.
"Just skipping."
Muzan answered, handing the guitar back to Nakime, who seemed absolutely delighted, despite her face being dull in expression.
"Mr. Kyogai is giving me private lessons on my biwa. He thinks it's a guitar also. Human comprehension never fails to amuse me."
Muzan blinked for a moment before nodding his head. Nothing Nakime was saying was making any sense to him.
"I'll leave then, don't want to disrupt your class."

As quick as his words left him, the door slammed open, revealing two people. The senior Douma his classmate Hakuji.

Too many shenanigans.


Douma Hashibira:
He's so popular he practically had a cult following of people that love him. He rejects everyone with a very passive aggressive attitude. Everyone in school swears they've seen him in commercials.

Hakuji (Akaza):
Hakuji is the president of the martial arts club, and tends to beat up people for money to bring back to his sick father. Most people rumour that he's in love with Koyuki. Hates that Douma is taller, despite: "IM OLDER!"

She's in band and choir, but never goes on any of the trips. She's gothic and wears kimonos outside of school. Nakime is known as 'Chunibyo Freak', but never really cares. She has pet spiders.

A/N: Nakime just has Chunibyo, the infinity fortress and demons aren't real in this AU.

I also completely forgot about this story :')
I'll try and update this more than my other stories because I'm kinda invested in the story-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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