Chapter 7

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Naofumi, Raphtalia, and Rishia settled into the small village, finding shelter in a humble home generously offered by the villagers. The next morning, while Naofumi and Raphtalia trained in the yard, Rishia rushed in, holding a piece of parchment.

"Naofumi! Raphtalia! Look at this," she said, breathless and excited, handing the parchment to Naofumi.

Naofumi unfolded the parchment and read it carefully. It was a coded message, but thanks to his previous studies, he managed to decode it. The message contained information about an ancient relic hidden in the nearby mountains. The relic had the power to amplify magical abilities and could be a crucial advantage for them.

"This could be useful," Naofumi said, looking at Raphtalia and Rishia. "We need to prepare and leave soon."

Raphtalia nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "Let's gather our supplies quickly. This could be dangerous."

Rafu-chan, who had been nestled inside Naofumi's chest plate, popped her head out and chirped curiously. Naofumi patted her gently. "Don't worry, Rafu-chan, we'll handle it."

They spent the rest of the day gathering supplies and making preparations. Rafu-chan alternated between her perch on Naofumi's shoulder and Raphtalia's head, watching the bustling activity with bright, inquisitive eyes.

Early the next morning, the trio set off towards the mountains. The path was steep and treacherous, but Naofumi led with determination, while Raphtalia and Rishia followed closely, Rafu-chan occasionally flitting between them.

Upon reaching the base of the mountains, they found a cave that seemed to match the map's descriptions. Naofumi raised his torch, illuminating the path as they entered the darkness.

"Stay alert," Naofumi warned. "This place could be filled with traps."

Raphtalia stepped closer to Naofumi, her hand resting lightly on the hilt of her sword. "We'll get through this together," she said softly, her confidence bolstering Naofumi's resolve. Rafu-chan chirped in agreement, her tiny paws gripping Raphtalia's shoulder.

They advanced carefully, navigating narrow tunnels and expansive caverns. At one point, the sound of footsteps echoed through the cave, and Naofumi raised his hand, signaling them to stop.

"We have company," he whispered.

Two figures emerged from the shadows, revealing themselves as bandits. "What do we have here?" one of them jeered, eyeing the group with ill intentions.

Naofumi stepped forward, his shield ready. "We don't want any trouble. Let us pass."

The bandits laughed. "You must be new around here. We run this area. If you want to pass, you'll have to pay the toll."

"We don't have time for this," Naofumi muttered. "Raphtalia, Rishia, get ready."

Raphtalia drew her sword, and Rishia prepared her magic. The bandits, realizing they were dealing with more than just simple travelers, hesitated for a moment before attacking.

Naofumi's shield clashed against the first bandit's sword with a resounding clang. With a swift counter, he bashed the attacker with the edge of his shield, sending him sprawling to the ground. Beside him, Raphtalia's movements were a blur of precision; her sword danced through the air, striking with such finesse that the second bandit's weapon flew from his grasp. Meanwhile, Rishia, her hands trembling slightly from the effort, focused her energy and cast a radiant spell. Light burst forth, wrapping around the bandits like luminous chains, holding them firmly in place.

Rafu-chan cheered from Raphtalia's shoulder, her tiny voice adding to the victorious atmosphere.

"We're not here to fight," Naofumi said sternly. "But if you threaten us again, we won't hesitate."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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