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Meet Vienna Claudia

Vienna is 19years old living in Manchester with her Mom and sister. Viennas dad lives in Spain with his new Girlfriend. Vienna is half Spanish and half English.

Vienna usually hangs out with her best friend Eva Garcia which is Alejandro garnacho's girlfriend and she hangs out with Cami Garcia Which is Facundo pellistri's girlfriend.

Vienna usually hangs out with her best friend Eva Garcia which is Alejandro garnacho's girlfriend and she hangs out with Cami Garcia Which is Facundo pellistri's girlfriend

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Vienna has 67k followers on Instagram and 220k on TikTok.

She usually posts about her life style and travelling with her friends.

She usually posts about her life style and travelling with her friends

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Vienna's aesthetic

A peek into the chapters...

" Vienna is that you?" An unfamiliar voice said behind me. I turned around seeing Rasmus hojlund he was tall with dirty blond hair. He looked more attractive than earlier.

" Rasmus?" I said shocked not knowing what to say or do. This was weird and uncomfortable.

" you look.. gorgeous" he said and studied me. His eyes followed my whole body and up to my eyes again.

" and you look handsome..?" I answered.

" how are you, how is life?" He asked me and I sighed.

" I'm fine, life's good" I replied. It was awkward meeting him since last time was dramatic and heartbreaking.

" I have seen you're playing for Atalanta, you made it" I said and he nodded.

" yes, I'm buzzing for it"

" you know what, it was nice meeting you again but now I need to go. Good bye Rasmus" I said and stood up. He sighed as he saw my presence walking away.

" wait" he said and I turned around seeing him looking upset.

" will I se you again?" He asked.

" Rasmus.. I don't think so" I said and looked at him to see his disappointed face.

" Vienna..I didn't mean to do that when is was young. I'm older and different now. Can we at least talk?" He asked me.

" Rasmus, not now I'm sorry" I sighed and shared him a small smile.

" I'll message you when I'm ready" I said and he nodded disappointed. I could see he got sad and wanted to talk with me. I'm just not ready yet. He hurt me last time.


I'm buzzing for this book

𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ~ Rasmus hojlund Where stories live. Discover now