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I sat in my room studying to the exams. I just can't fail them. When I'm done with the exams I have summer break for 3months. I'm just so excited.

" sweetie there's someone here for you" my mom said peeking in the door.

" let them in" I smiled.

" I will! Me and Ellawill leave now" she said and I nodded. Ella is my little sister she's 5years old and loves football. She's so adorable.

" okay, goodbye" I said and she walked downstairs. I heard footsteps coming inside my room and turned around.

" Maisie!" I smiled and stood up. I gave her a hug. " I haven't seen you these days?" She said and i chuckled. " I have been studying so much" I said.

" aha, understand. How come your not tired off this shit?" She asked and sat down on my bed resting her head.

" cause I know if I pass I'll be done with school and can finally have some free time!" I smiled thinking at the thought.

" I'm so happy I'm down with this shit. It's so draining like it's the worst thing ever" she said acting dramatic. I giggled at her.

" it's not so bad.. it's just extremely hard sometimes." I replied.

" well that your opinion! But I came here to take you out for some lunch" she said and stood up.

" lunch? Where" I asked her.

" I thought we could go to the cafe, it's so good for you to come out off your house finally." She said and gave me a look.

" but I'm not done yet, I have 3sides till I'm done!" I told her.

" aha, now your coming with me. No more studies today Vienna." She said and lead me to my closet. " now pick a cute outfit and get ready you have 15minutes from now!" She said.

" 15minutes??" I asked. That's not enough time for me. I haven't brushed my hair or done any makeup.

" come on" she smiled and sat down on my bed taking up her phone on tiktok.

Gosh she stresses me.

Gosh she stresses me

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𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ~ Rasmus hojlund Where stories live. Discover now