Chapter One: Goodbye

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|Riley |

"When Sarah and I decided to have children, we had no idea what we were signing up for. Our two girls couldn't be further from different to each but both of them share many traits with Sarah and I. Emily was my carbon copy, from a young age Sarah would remind me that our little Em got her stubbornness from me alongside her bright blonde hair. She got my attitude but she also got Sarah's need for responsibility. With out Em, there was never a job too big for her, she's always blown us out the park with what she can accomplish and I know that Sarah is going to continue following her journey knowing that she couldn't be prouder." Dad said as he stood at the front of the crowd next to Mum's grave
I looked over at Emily who was trying her best to keep a brave face on but even I could see her struggle right now

 "But our Riley,  she was Sarah's double. From the constant worrying all the way down to the one dimple that forms when she smile truly. Sarah and Riley were thick as thieve just as much as Emily and I were, but there was something about the pair of them that warmed your heart to see. They understood each other on a whole other level Emily and I could only dream about" Dad continued 

"Sarah's passing hit all of us like a ton of bricks, the girls lost their mother, their angel on their shoulder. I lost my best friend, the love of my life. This is the type of something that I don't think we will ever truly recover from. But it's okay. I've got our girls Sare" Dad said placing one hand on the casket as before walking back over to us engulfing us both into hugs before letting Emily walk up in his place while Dad stayed by my side holding tightly onto me, almost like he was going to lose me too

Emily stepped up to Mum's casket taking a big breath in before looking back out to the crowd 
"Mum and I butted heads more times then I could count. I always thought that she just let Riley get her way but it wasn't until a few months ago that Mum wasn't any harder on me then she was with Riley. I was just being taught new lesson's. Lesson's I didn't understand, ones I didn't know I needed.. Until today" She said before wiping a rouge tear from her cheek 
"I've sat for hours thinking of what I could say today, what memories  I could bring up to make people smile but why should we be smiling? We lost someone that we all love, that we all care deeply for. Someone who did not deserve this ending" Emily continued
"I know it's said that parent's aren't supposed to outlive their children but who is that is supposed to teach the kids how to stomach this, how to say goodbye to the one person who was supposed to guide them through life?" Emily said sounding a little angry, I looked up at Dad concerned but he mimicked the same expression

"I'm not mad at you" Emily whispered turning to the casket
"I could think of a million things I could say today but there were still a million and one things we had left to do together" She whispered again before bowing her head walking back towards us 

I closed my eyes for a second knowing what was up next. Dad had spent hours reminding me that I didn't need to do this, that nobody would think less of me if I didn't do it. But that isn't true
If I didn't do this, I would hat myself, I would feel like I've let her down.. 

As soon as I got over to her I looked through the crowd trying to pick up as many familiar faces as I could, which is when I gravitated to the back. To a group of faces I know and love, but one I didn't expect to see
With everyone else from A-Troupe stood in the back row staring at me ready to catch me if I crumble and honestly I might just do that

"Everyone tells you that a daughter is instantly a Daddy's girl but as much as I like my Dad, that was Emily's roll from the moment she was born, I was a Mummy's girl through and through. She was my best friend, the one person I turned too when I needed anything, the one person who understood everything, no matter how big or small." I started
"She was there for all the first I experienced. From the first dance class although the way to my first heartbreak. God we spent hours in bed with almost 10 tubs of ice-cream. I'm pretty sure Dad was on the verge of cutting off our access to the freezer that night" I said making him chuckle
"But he could never say no to the three of us. He was well and truly out numbered but I'd like to think he wouldn't want it any other way" I said offering him a small smile

"I understand Emily's final words more then I wish I did. When we lost Mum, nobody warned us of the feelings that we were about to experience. Right now, I don't think either of us can even fathom how we are supposed to just get on with life like she never happened" I explained before looking directly at Emily who met my gaze instantly
"Mum always taught us how to play together, how to be the best sisters. She taught us to depend on each other, almost like she was preparing us for this day" I explained to her
"We may have still had a million and one things to do with her, but we can still do those together Em, after all we would have been dragged along regardless" I finished before heading a few chuckled in the crowd before I returned to Emily and Dad
The moment I was stood beside Emily, she wrapped her arms around me pulling me against her letting me rest my head on her shoulder

It wasn't even moments later when we were watching then lower Mum into the grave, this was it.. 

This was our final moments
Our final goodbye..

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