Episode 1: Him

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Chapter 1: New Beginnings

 The Hallways of Nexus Academy

Ash Hart navigated the bustling corridors of Nexus Academy of Excellence, his eyes scanning for the elusive classroom 10A. The hallways thrummed with the lively chaos of a typical school morning. Bright, modern lighting reflected off the polished floors, and colorful posters promoting various clubs and activities adorned the walls. Groups of students chattered animatedly, some heading to their lockers, others hurrying to their next class. The atmosphere was a blend of energy and disarray.

"Class 10A? Hmm, I think it's just around this corner," Ash muttered to himself, his brow furrowed in concentration as he glanced at a crumpled schedule in his hand. Weaving through the throng of students, he occasionally looked up at the signs above the classroom doors. His footsteps echoed slightly in the wide corridor. As he turned the corner, he spotted the door he had been searching for.

"There it is," he said with a sigh of relief.

He approached the green door with "10A - Mr. Zarato's class" written on it in bold, white letters. The door was slightly ajar, and the sounds of students settling into their seats drifted into the hallway. A faint smell of chalk and paper lingered in the air.

"Here goes nothing," Ash murmured, straightening his backpack on his shoulder. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, his heart racing with the nervous anticipation of a new school year and a new class.

With a final glance at the sign, Ash pushed the door open and stepped into the classroom. The room was spacious, with large windows letting in plenty of natural light. Desks were arranged in neat rows, and a smartboard dominated the front wall. Mr. Zarato, a stern-looking man with glasses perched on the end of his nose, was writing something on the board. The chatter of students quieted slightly as they noticed Ash entering.

 Inside the Classroom

Ash hesitated at the threshold, feeling the weight of all eyes turning towards him. He shifted uncomfortably on his feet as Mr. Zarato paused his lecture to address the new arrival.

"And I will be teaching mathematics as well..." Mr. Zarato's voice trailed off as he looked up from his notes, his expression hardening at the sight of Ash.

"You're late," Mr. Zarato said sharply with a deep voice.

"Sorry, I was, uh—" Ash began, but Mr. Zarato cut him off.

"I didn't ask for excuses. Just don't let it happen again."

"Yes, sir," Ash replied, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Sit by Don over there," Mr. Zarato instructed, pointing to an empty seat next to a boy with strikingly gentle features. Don's hair fell in soft waves, and his eyes were bright and attentive. Ash hesitated for a moment, feeling a strange flutter in his chest.

"Yes, sir," he repeated, making his way to the seat.

"And I don't want last year's crap, you hear?" Mr. Zarato added.

"Yes, sir," Ash mumbled again.

As Ash approached the seat next to Don, he couldn't help but feel as if he were looking at an angel. Don's presence radiated calmness and kindness, something about him instantly drew Ash in he gazed at him for a moment until.

"Hi, sorry, but you were staring for so long. My name's Don," the boy said with a friendly smile.

Ash's face turned crimson. "Idiot, why were you staring?" he thought, slapping his head internally.

"Is it so hard to take a seat or should I help you?" Mr. Zarato's frustrated voice cut through Ash's thoughts.

"No, sir, sorry," Ash stammered, quickly sitting down as the class erupted in laughter, their giggles echoing around the room and adding to his embarrassment.

Don leaned over with a gentle smile. "I didn't catch your name, by the way."

"My name's Ash," he replied, still blushing.

"Nice to meet you, Ash," Don said warmly.

Mr. Zarato cleared his throat loudly, regaining the class's attention. "I also teach physics, and I expect the same level of commitment and discipline in both subjects..."

Ash glanced at Don, who gave him an encouraging smile. Feeling a bit of his anxiety melt away, Ash settled into his seat, ready to face whatever challenges the day might bring.

 Chapter 2: Lunchtime Revelations

The cafeteria buzzed with the noise of chattering students and clattering trays as Ash Hart made his way through the bustling hallways. The vibrant atmosphere of lunchtime filled the air with laughter and conversation. Scanning the room, Ash's eyes landed on the familiar table where his friends usually sat. Spotting Nellie, he smiled and headed towards her.

Nellie, a 16-year-old girl with a perpetually cheerful demeanor, was seated at the table, her left arm encased in a cast. As Ash approached, she looked up, and her face lit up with excitement.

"Ash! Oh my gosh!" Nellie exclaimed, jumping up from her seat despite the awkward position of her casted arm.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" Ash asked with a grin.

Nellie threw her good arm around him in a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in forever," she said, her voice filled with joy.

"Yeah, it's been a while," Ash replied, hugging her back. They pulled apart, still smiling at each other.

"How are you?" they both said in unison, then laughed.

"I'm good," Nellie said.

"Yeah, me too," Ash replied, taking a seat next to her and placing his backpack on the floor.

Ash glanced at her cast. "What happened to your arm?"

Nellie lifted it slightly, a wry smile on her lips. "It broke during the fighting tournament."

"What?" Ash's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yep," Nellie confirmed.

"Wait until Will hears this. Where is he anyway?" Ash asked, looking around.

"I don't know. He's not returning my texts," Nellie said, a hint of concern in her voice.

"That's unlike him," Ash remarked.

As they talked, a familiar voice interrupted them. "Hey guys, long time, huh?"

Ash and Nellie turned to see William, a 15-year-old with a mischievous grin on his face, standing nearby. Their faces lit up with surprise.

"William?!" they exclaimed together.

William chuckled. "Hehe."

Nellie and Ash jumped up from their seats, rushing over to hug him. They enveloped him in a tight group hug.

"Whoa, you guys missed me," William said, hugging them back, his laughter mingling with theirs.

"You have no idea," Nellie said, pulling back and beaming at him.

"Let's sit down," Ash suggested, and they all settled back at the table.

"I'm really happy to see you guys," William said, his smile genuine.

"Same here," Ash replied.

Nellie looked at William, her eyes narrowing playfully. "Why weren't you returning my texts?"

William scratched his head, avoiding her gaze. "Uh, ah... What happened to your arm?"

Nellie lifted her cast again, wiggling her fingers for emphasis. "Oh well... I broke it during the tournament."

"Tournament?" William repeated, his eyebrows shooting up.

"That's the same reaction I had," Ash said, shaking his head.

"Don't you know I do martial arts?" Nellie asked, feigning surprise.

"Wait, really?" Ash asked, his eyes widening again.

Nellie nodded seriously. "During the times schools were closed, I went to a martial arts fight in Tokyo. Koreans don't play; they broke my arm and I got second place."

"I thought you went to your grandma's," William said, his confusion growing.

"I did, but then the tournament thing came up," Nellie explained.

"I'm sorry then about your arm," William said, his voice softening.

"Yeah," Ash echoed.

Nellie broke into a grin. "I'm kidding. I don't know martial arts. I broke my arm when I fell down the stairs."

Ash and William stared at her, mouths agape.

"Wait, what?" Ash finally managed to say.

"You tricked us. No, you lied to us!" William exclaimed.

"Yep," Nellie said, laughing.

Ash rolled his eyes. "You tricked us once more."

"Seriously, and I felt sorry for you," William added, shaking his head.

"It's not my fault you guys are literal idiots," Nellie said, her laughter ringing out. "Sorry, though."

"Whatever," Ash muttered, though he couldn't help but smile.

"I hope you break the other one," William said with a mock frown.

Nellie gasped in mock horror. "How dare you?"

As William and Nellie engaged in playful banter, Ash's attention was drawn to a lone figure sitting across the room. He recognized Don, the new kid from his class, sitting alone and looking a bit lost. A group of guys Ash knew approached Don's table, their intentions unclear.

"Mmm," Ash murmured to himself, his brow furrowing slightly.

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Students began to disperse, gathering their things.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," Nellie said, standing up.

"Yeah," William agreed.

"Will? You better be online," Nellie teased.

"Whatever, Nell. You're not my mom," William retorted with a smile.

Ash chuckled. "See y'all."

As they headed to their next classes, Ash couldn't shake the image of Don sitting alone from his mind. He resolved to keep an eye on him, feeling a strange sense of responsibility towards the new kid.

### Chapter 3: After School

Ash exited the school gate, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows on the pavement. He adjusted his backpack and began his walk home, his mind drifting through the events of the day. Suddenly, a familiar voice called out behind him.


Ash turned around to see Don jogging to catch up. "Oh, hi Don," he greeted, surprised but pleased to see him.

"Are you walking?" Don asked, slightly out of breath.

"Yeah," Ash replied. "You?"

Don shook his head. "Oh no, my dad's coming to pick me up. Maybe tomorrow."

"Okay," Ash said with a nod.

Just then, a sleek car pulled up to the curb. Don waved as he headed towards it. "That's me. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, bye," Ash responded, watching as Don got into the car. As it drove away, a slight blush crept onto Ash's cheeks. He turned and continued his walk home, a small smile playing on his lips.

### End of Episode 1

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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