Pure love❤️🖤🎧

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"Where are we?" I climb up a meddle latter leaving my hands colder than they already where

"Com'er" I hear Billie smile, reaching out her hand firmly gripping mine before pulling me up "careful there ma," she healed me close as I stumbled forward.

"Woah" I look before me, a sky full of stars and a city full of lights

"See la isn't so bad from certain angles" she sighed sitting at the edge of the rooftop her legs dangling off the side of the building

Cautiously, I walk to the edge standing behind her before sitting down slightly to the side of her

"What are you doing?" She turned to look at me

"It's scary" I laughed not wanting to get any closer to the edge, stretching my hand out as if to catch her at any movement she made

Noticing my anxiousness she pulled herself away from the edge and next to me.

I pulled my knees to my chest, my breath showing in the wind.

"That tickles" I giggle as she ran her nails up and down my knee.

Her plump lips formed into a sweet smile as she stared into my eyes, her eyes occasionally flicking around my face

"Your so pretty" I softly reminded her, something I'm sure to remind her every day

"Stop" she smiled coving her face braking into fit of adorable giggles

I couldn't help but giggle myself

"Your making me soft" she said in a whine, as if she isn't the biggest softy ever.

"Good" I tease pushing her shoulder with mine

I took notice of how her nose would cutely scrunch from time to time, a smile plastered across her face that never seemed to disappear when we spend time together alone

"Are you cold?" She asked

I look down at her head in my lap her red roots displayed perfectly, as her finger traced across my jaw in such a gentle way I could barely feel it,

I softly shook my head 'no' taking a deep breath in and exhaling softy, trying to slow down the rapid thoughts in my mind

Billie took notice of my quietness, her eyebrows furrowing in concern sitting up awaiting to hear me.

"Billie" I start as I played with the string of her pro club hoodie she hummed in response her face only growing with more concern and worrisome.

"I like you a lot" I say with intent tho looking down my nervousness being replaced with relief and a sweet smile

"Oh y/n.." she lifted my chin "you know the feeling's mutual don't ya sweet girl?" Her eyes softened as she rubbed small circles on my cheek with her thumb

Quickly and subconsciously I nod. A small giggle leaving my throat as she pulled me into her lap.

"So beautiful" she whispered tucking a strand of hair behind my cold ear.

We stayed there soaking in each others beauty, our eyes flicking around each others faces with no hint of shame. Soon both our eyes land on each others lips.

Slowly, she leaned in pushing her soft lips onto mine.

A soft hum-like moan escaped her lips as I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her in even closer our lips never parting.

"God" she pulled away with a smile her hands griping at my waist

I pulled her into a tight hug, my arms around her neck holding onto my own elbows and hers around my waist, we stayed there in silence with her occasionally swaying side to side.

Billie eilish smutWhere stories live. Discover now