Chapter 6

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The battle against the imperial Japanese Navy mass-produced ships and Siren ships was a grueling and intense one, with both sides fiercely fighting for control of the sea.

However, in the end, it was the fourth Oriental Fleet of the Fleet of Fog that emerged victorious.

While their victory was certainly a cause for celebration, the aftermath of the battle was not without its own share of surprises and confusion.

As the Fleet of Fog sailed through the sea, they couldn't help but notice the many Japanese survivors floating on the debris of their sinking ships.

It was a somber sight, as the Mental Model's of the Fog ships gazed down at the defeated enemy.

But amidst this chaos, two ships stood out - the Fog Amagi and Fog Tosa. These two ships were not rejoicing in their victory like the rest of the fleet, but rather, they seemed to be angry and agitated about something.

The Heavy Cruiser of the Fleet of Fog, including Mogami, Chikuma, and Aoba, looked on in bewilderment as their flagship Amagi and Tosa displayed such emotions. Even the Light Cruisers Agano, Noshiro, Katori, Kashima, and Ōyodo, who were known to be some of the more level-headed vessels, couldn't understand what was happening.

They were scared and confused, seeing their flagship acting so differently from their usual calm and collected selves.

On the Assault and Suppression Vessels, Fog Chitose, Chiyoda, and Unryū, the confusion was even greater.

These ships, designed for battle and destruction, were now at a loss as to what was going on with their fleet. It seemed that everyone was dumbfounded by the sudden change in behavior of the Fog Amagi and Tosa.

They had never seen them like this before, and it was a shock to witness their usually composed flagship in such a state.

The aftermath of the battle had brought about a new challenge for the Fleet of Fog - understanding the emotions and actions of their Mental Models, something that was not always easy.

The fourth Oriental Fleet had won the battle, but at what cost? The sight of their once powerful and confident flagship reduced to anger and frustration was a reminder that even the most powerful vessels can be affected by the chaos of war.

In the deafening silence that enveloped the Fleet of Fog, one thing was certain - the battle against the imperial Japanese Navy had left a lasting impact on both sides.

The Mental Models of the Fog ships, usually viewed as emotionless beings, had shown a glimpse of their human-like qualities.

And as the ships continued on their journey, they could only hope that they would never have to witness such aftermath again.

Chitose an Assault and Suppression Vessels, who had been watching the scene unfold, suddenly spoke up. Her tone was cold and calculating, a stark contrast to the horrified voices around her.

(ARP)Chitose: "Lady Amagi, the Papua new guinea Coast Guard are coming this way to rescue the survivors of the sunken enemy ships."

Lady Amagi, the flagship of the Fleet of Fog, simply smiled evilly and spoke through the communications device.

(ARP)Amagi: "Good, our job is done here. All ships, move aside for the incoming Papua new guinea Coast Guard. They are going to rescue the imperial Japanese sailors. Chitose, contact the Coast Guard and inform them that the survivors are prisoners of war."

(ARP)Chitose's smile mirrored Lady Amagi's as she replied, "Yes, flagship."

As Chitose communicated with the Papua new guinea Coast Guard, the captain of the Coast Guard ship received the call.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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