arc 2. IM A WHAT?!

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(2nd p.o.v)

you have been walking for what felt like hours, Strangely you haven't gotten tired, your stamina is usually shit.

But like you're so bored. You shove your hands into your pockets. You stop In your tracks when you feel your hand hit a familiar cold surface.

You smile and pull out your phone “how the fuck did I forget about my phone?”. But upon seeing the device Your smile falls, the screen Was horribly cracked.

You hold the power button praying that it would turn on. “God damn it” you hissed through your teeth. Your phone was broke.

You look at the device and sigh, putting it back in your pocket “thanks universe for getting my hopes up” you mutter bitterly.

Don't move” a male voice calls out. You turn to see a tall man with silver hair “Uh… what did you just say?” You ask furrowing your brows.

The man pulled out a purple(?) Katana and pointed it at you “be prepared to meet your maker” the man snarled.

“Look dude I got no clue what you're saying” You say, backing away nervously.

without another word he charged at you. You try to dodge but you aren't Fast enough.

The man's katana stabs through your shoulder and pins you to a tree. you cry out in pain, the feeling of your flesh Being cut apart making you feel ill.

“what the fuck dude?!” you hissed in pain, tears filling your eyes. “Why are you not fighting back?” The man hissed and ripped his blade free of your shoulder.

You collapse to the ground and hold your bleeding wound as you start to hyperventilate,  getting Stabbed hurts like a mother fucker.

Why aren't you regenerating?” The man mutters then grabs you by your hair “what is wrong with you?”.

You grind your teeth in pain, you don't know what's happening or why it's happening. This guy who clearly can't speak English is trying to fucking kill you, ‘WHY IS HE TRYNG TO KILL ME?!’.

The man raised his blade again, ready to take your head when a hand went through his chest. The silver haired man chokes and releases your hair. His blood splatter across your face.

The man dropped to the ground, his eyes glazed over, he was dead. You stare in shock, not at the dead body, but at the person responsible for it.

A man with gray skin, covered in blue lines, with short pink hair. His eyes are what really caught your attention. The iris was golden, his sclera was blue and they had what you knew was the Kanji for upper 3.

‘Akaza’ the name Rings in your mind like a fucking school fire Bell, telling you to run the fuck away.

Disgusting human, hurting such a weak women” the man, no, the demon scoffed in what you now know is japanese.

You stare up at him with horror ‘how is this possible?!’. “Women, you need to eat so you can regenerate” akaza says lowly looking down at you with an unreadable expression.

When you make no move to reach for the dead demon slayer he squats Down in front of you “are you so weak that a small injury like that has left you unable to move?” Akaza asks.

You blink at him slowly, seeing if he would disappear. Because there is no way a fictional character is in front of you

[yes panic about a fictional character in front of you, ignore that said fictional character just murdered someone in front of you].

“I…uh…I can't understand you” you say weakly.

Akaza blinks at you “ah I thought you looked  Foreign do you speak French? Or perhaps English?" Akaza asks blankly. You gape in surprise “Uh English”.

He nods “I told you to eat, you need strength To regenerate”. You furrow your brows “eat? Eat what?” You ask. Akaza stands up then looks at the dead slayer. Your gaze follows his.

You watch as He rips one of the man's arms off. The sound of the flesh tearing makes you gag.

He then turns back to you and holds the arm out “eat” he says. You look at the limb with absolute Disgust “what?” You utter weakly, looking at him.

He was Still expressionless “I hate weaklings like you, so eat and become stronger” he spoke firmly.

You stand up, your legs feel like jello, you feel your body trembling “i..I can't eat that” she says backing away “w..why are you trying get me to eat someone?”.

You taste acid in the back of your Throat, if it wasn't for the fact that you just got fucking stabbed you would think you where having a fucked up dream.

“Why Are you acting like this? I'm your superior, and I'm graciously sharing my kill with a weak demon like you” akaza huffed.

‘Fuck i think hes getting annoyed. What if he kills me?! Bro i cant get spawn killed’ You back up more, wanting as much distance from the demon as possible.

It takes you a minute to Process what he just said ‘Wait…. Demon?’ “i..I'm not a demon” you protest weakly.

Your fingers dig into your shoulder. Feeling the blood oozing from your shoulder is making you nauseous.

Akaza looks at you with his brows furrowed “...... yes you are” he says. “No I'm not. Look at me. I'm human” she says firmly.

Hope you liked this chapter it's longer than the last one and we already meeting one of the love interests

__________________Hope you liked this chapter it's longer than the last one and we already meeting one of the love interests

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Love percentage: 5%
He sees you as a strange women who can't even protect herself from a low level demon slayer. He thinks your pathetic.


Chapter secrets

Akaza was hunting that demon slayer for a while.

If you were a man akaza would have let the slayer kill you

You have been in shock since you woke up in the forest and can't really prossess anything at the moment.

[NOT SO HUMAN] kny x modern readerWhere stories live. Discover now