Chapter Twenty

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A/N: I can't believe I am on the verge of 200 votes and have 6,000 views

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A/N: I can't believe I am on the verge of 200 votes and have 6,000 views. Just wow. Thank you for your support. Please comment, too. It would mean the world to me.

TRIGGER: Please, if you got this know what it is. It is DARK!TOMMY. He is awful, awful, AWFUL in this story. This chapter has abuse; mental, emotion, and sexual. Sexual power over a minor. It is not smut, but sexual in nature. IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE READ AS SMUT. It is meant to illustrated the fucked up world we live in. Please read with caution. 

Amelia was baffled. There was John Shelby, Tommy Shelby's third hand man. Someone that was supposedly brutal, ruthless, evil, eating a meal with his family; joking and teasing his daughters, and being ever so loving with his wife. He belonged there like a puzzle piece. It was all so perfect. Amelia had never seen such a peaceful family dynamic. It made her wonder whether or not he was cut from the same cloth as the others. As she ate her porridge, she couldn't help, but chuckle when he dabbed porridge on his youngest's nose. Esme tsked, commenting that he was a child before licking it off her baby's nose. She loved it here. First, he owned so much land and she could just step outside, and run. Chickens, ducks, pigs! The air tasted like freedom unlike Tommy's...well, Polly's home in Birmingham. Tight and dark.

John took her from her thoughts, standing and wiping his mouth clean. "Amelia, I gotta bring you back soon." Amelia hated that her immediate reaction was a whine. "I know, but you have school tomorrow and Tommy's a bit on edge about some things. Hate rocking the boat anymore than it's rocking." What boat isn't rocking when Tommy is involved? But she didn't want to overstay her visit...too much.

"Just a few more hours?"

John sighed and looked at the clock. "I'm sorry," he offered. It was already teetering on the line of late. He was expecting her home early noon. That really meant ten in Tommy's world, the man who never slept or had a human-like routine. It was quarter to ten.

Esme spoke up, "perhaps you can come over once a week? Help with the baby? John, I could really use help with the baby." She winked and John knew it was just a plan to get the young girl from Tommy's care.

"I'll talk to him," was the best he could do as he stood up. "Ready?" Slowly, she groaned and got up from the table, putting her dishes in the sink. John helped her with her cardigan and smiled down, nodding for the door. Unlike Tommy, his hand on her back felt warm and welcoming. Almost like a father or uncle. She didn't mind leaning into his hug or affections. At the door, she turned and thanked Esme for her kindness. The woman waved goodbye with the baby's hand, kissing his cheeks. Say.."goodbye, Amelia".

It was so many years ago. Her brother was getting on the ship to Ireland and her and her mother were drenched in rain. The tall boy looked back, a smile on his face. Her mother knelt and hugged Amelia from the back, grabbing the young girl's hand. "Say...'goodbye, Michael', Amelia." "Goodbye, Michael." She had no front teeth and it added a little lisp to her voice. It was the last time she saw her brother.

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