chapter 2

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chapter two. : „ giggles


as the handsome man came towards to Wonbin and apologies him

"sorry it was me.." A voice said which was Sungchan!, "oh it's fine." Wonbin said in a disappointing tone but he didn't make it obvious, Wonbin thought it would be someone he knows but sadly wasn't.

Sungchan walk off and going back to his teammates. Wonbin watch Sungchan walk away to his teammates, suddenly someone in his teammates caught his eye.

It's Eunseok.

Obviously! Wonbin snap out of thoughts when he saw Eunseok looking back to him.

Wonbin quickly look away and Sohee saw his weird look, "yo.. are you okay..?" Sohee asked quietly since Wonbin looks like he's hiding from someone, Wonbin nodded looking back to Eunseok,

Thankfully he wasn't there anymore.. Wonbin let out a relief sigh but then he thought about it again...

Where did he go?

Wonbin look back at the basketball court but didn't find him, he looks at the right and then the left but still didn't find him until someone tap his shoulder making him startled.

"Looking for me?"

A voice was said and it was Eunseok,


Wonbin slowly turn back, "hi..." He said quietly, Eunseok sit beside him and play with his basketball, "Why were you looking at me? Am I that handsome?" Eunseok let out a chuckled.

didn't knew he's a cocky person.

Wonbin thought, "no I wasn't." He said, "don't lie." Wonbin scoff at his replies,

"I'm not." Eunseok laughs, "yeah righ-" Sungchan cut his words by calling Eunseok.

"Bye I guess?" Wonbin said, Eunseok nodded give him a small wave and leave.

"Are you actually gay?" Seunghan said, Wonbin got a little startled since he said that close to his ear. "What?" Wonbin was speechless.

"I'm just saying you know..." Seunghan roll his eyes and scoff.

— time skip

12:39 PM ..

It's lunch time and the cafeteria is very noisy like a market place, meanwhile Wonbin is sitting with his group of friends also includes Eunseok friends, they are chitchatting with funny jokes and laughters,

Until, they stopped when a girl make her way to Wonbin.

"Hi.." The girl said, Wonbin just stare at her waiting for her to continue since he's not really good at starting conversations especially with a girl cause he never talk a girl in his life except his mom.

"Can- uh.. Can we talk in private..?" The girl asked Wonbin politely, Wonbin nods before he stood up and follows her, meanwhile Eunseok stare at them walking away since he knew what the girl is gonna do to Wonbin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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