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The ceremony and dinner felt like it went on for ages. Thankfully, it was finally over and we were back at the dorms. It had been two months since I was last on this bed. It felt like years ago, but also only yesterday. 

Dahlia and Hermoine were going through their trunks sat at the end of their beds. Lavender hadn't come up to the dorm yet. I never really saw her anyways. She went to bed late most days. 

I lifted myself up threw my legs over to the side of my bed. My head was aching. I hadn't eaten much at dinner. From what I saw, no one really had that much of an appetite. Apart from the first years. There weren't that many first years this year. But that made sense due to the circumstances over the past couple years. 

Dahlia sat down next to me and looked at me. I looked up at her. Her curls were perfect. The way they flowed down her shoulders. She tilted her head and pressed her lips together, scanning my face. I looked down at my lap.

"I just have a headache." I tucked my hair behind my ears. The thing about Dahlia is that she hates when people aren't happy. Her first words to almost everyone are 'Are you okay?'. I love her for it, but sometimes I worry about her. She always puts other people first. 

I felt the bed sink a little as arms wrapped around my shoulder. Hermione had sat next to me aswell. Dahlia wrapped her arm around me aswell. They both leaned into me and it made my heart warm. I loved them with everything in me. I could feel tears filling my eyes. I don't know what I did to deserve these two. I know that I don't, but they are my lifeline.


I looked over to my left to see both Dahlia and Hermione were asleep in their beds. On my right, even Lavender was asleep. I looked at the side table. The clock was softly ticking. '9:30 pm'. There was a half hour left until it was curfew. Most nights, no one goes to sleep at this time, but on the first night everyone is exhausted. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I wasn't going to fall asleep any time soon. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and put my slippers on. I stood up and grabbed my robe that was on the top of my closed trunk. I put it on as I picked up my wand. I tiptoed to the door and carefully opened it and closed it without a sound. The staircase was cold and dark. I lifted my wand. "Lumos." The tip of my wand lit up as I walked down the stairs into the common room. The fireplace was still lit. I saw two heads from behind the couch. Harry and Ron. I lowered my wand and walked towards them.

"Hey." Their heads snapped up at my voice. They turned their bodies around and smiled. "Hey, Gen," Ron said with a small wave. They moved over so I could sit aswell. I shook my head. "I was just heading out," I said, before adding, "for a walk." They nodded their heads and I turned away to the door.

The tip of my wand was lit again. I decided I need fresh air so I made my way to the astronomy tower. I passed a few students, but not as many as you would on a normal night. I walked up the metal stairs to the tower. I sucked in the cold, sweet, fresh air. It was dark but the moon lit up the tower enough for me to lower my wand. I took the last step when I saw the figure of someone leaning against the railing, looking out at the black lake. I recognised the outline of the figure and the cloud of smoke made it definite. I started to turn around to leave when his voice broke the quietness of the atmosphere. "Don't leave." I turned around. He hadn't even turned around to see who it was. How did he even know it was me? I slowly walked up to the railing. I wrapped my robe tighter around me. It was really cold out here and it felt like it kept getting colder by the second. As I leaned against the railing, he put out his cigarette on the railing and threw it on the floor. I looked out at the black lake. The silence was odd. It was uncomfortable but something about it felt right. A few moments later, he cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "So, um, how are you?" Those words felt wrong coming from Theodore Nott's mouth. Especially when they were directed at me. I tucked my hair behind one of my ears.

"I'm good."


Silence again. It felt more comfortable now that we had exchanged words. But still odd. I let out a breath, a cloud of condensation flowing out. I was deciding whether I should stay or leave when he spoke again.

 "How's the boyfriend?"



I cleared my throat. "Um, we're not together anymore."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's fine. He was a jerk anyways."

I could see him nod in my peripheral vision. I hugged myself tighter to warm up. I was going to say something when a voice made me jump.

"Out past curfew?"

We both turned around suddenly to see Professor Snape. He was still in his black robes. Now that I think about it, I dont think I ever see him in anything else but those robes. I try to say something, but nothing comes out.

"You two, follow me."

Theo and I exchanged looks and we followed Snape down the stairs of the tower. 

"I am disappointed, Mallory. Fifty points from Gryffindor," Snape said in his low voice. I tried to walk faster to keep up with him. "But-" I began to speak before I was cut off by Theo. 

"Professor, It's my fault. Take the points off Slytherin."

Snape stopped and spun around, causing us to almost stumble over. 

"It is not up for discussion, Mr Nott. 50 points from Gryffindor. 30 points from Slytherin."

"That's unfair, Professor. Why are you taking more points from her?"

Snape didn't say anything. He just spun back around and kept walking. Snape has never really ever liked me. I don't get why. I get good grades in Potions. I'm a good student in general. But he despises Gryffindors. That's the only reason he doesn't like me. I looked at Theo. He looked pissed.

"Don't worry about it."

"It's unfair."

I sighed and followed Snape who was already a far way in front of us. I picked up my pace to catch up, Theo following me.


I opened the door to the dorm. It was still dark and Dahlia, Hermione and Lavender were still asleep. I closed the door carefully and gently, taking the robe off. I dropped my robe and wand on the top of my closed trunk and sat on my bed, kicking my slippers off.

I fell asleep at 2:03am that night, only getting three hours of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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