warrior academy -2

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Anu entered the class sat alone on the seat and waiting for her friend Suchitra who was still a new friend for her but she was the only friend she had in her class, anu sat alone as suchitra didn't attended the class then jhope entered the class with bright smile greeting everyone

Jhope is one of the most friendly and strict teacher among children.. he always smiles while teaching as he teaches physics but not on the terms of only academic but also in the magic spells type which was hidden from the world but kailash academy was also known for its academic score worldwide

Anu didn't talked to anyone as no one was interested in her. Lavanya and janvi sat together and far away from anu and after she saw jhope enter she was looking at him

Suddenly Anu saw jhope as ancient warrior

*Source : pinterest*

Anu was shocked because she was new to kailash academy and also the view she saw now was totally mesmerizing

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Anu was shocked because she was new to kailash academy and also the view she saw now was totally mesmerizing.. she looked around only to find herself able to watch jhope in his warrior form..

Jhope pov " did anu saw my warrior form" uses the ability to read minds and imagination which was "Telepathia", yes she saw *looks at lavanya to find her looking at him which absolute manipulative eyes* jhope looked away didn't made eye contact with her and he looked at anu..

Jhope realised pov " isn't she...."

Then students started to talk and jhope silenced them and asked " hello everyone I'm jhope and I'm gonna teach you physics ok.. open your book " everyone opened their book and jhope started teaching anu payed utter attention on his teaching and jhope payed attention on everyone but the most energy was in both lavanya and anupama which was only a start the things which were gonna happen was still unexpected as the class ended

The next class was of jimin and jhope left the class as he saw jimin.. jimin asked him as jhope was looking stressed " what happened hobi", *jhope shook his head* " Jim two students which we were looking for, have been found"," who are they", jhope look at jimin with no emotion as he spoke" lavanya and anupama" after saying this jhope left the place

Jimin got confused enter the class with a bright smile " hello.... I'm jimin your chemistry teacher" his eyes were searching anupama and lavanya.. he saw anupama who was having flower like face totally divine where then he looked at lavanya who's eyes were like eyes of a drunk, the eyes of an hungry person when he see food as jimin was convienced that lavanya was having manipulation he continued to take his class as he asked everyone their names and he gave them a question which was of their academics anupama solved it easily as lavanya was acting all cute and said she didn't knew the answer, jimin was looking at anu who had full attention on her work then she gave him the book where she solved..

Jimin looked at it as told her to write on the blackboard as he was observing her language and told her to explain how it came as anu flawlessly explained jimin said " good anupama, go to your seat" anu left the stage as she sat on the seat, jimin gave works to students which was totally hard as then namjoon entered the class as also he was principal of the kailash Academy..

Namjoon looked at jimin " how's the class jimin" jimin who was sitting on the chair looked at namjoon withpit any emotions as he stood up went towards him and took namjoon outside the class.. namjoon was confused as he asked jimin who dragged him outside the class " what happened jimin " jimin said looking at namjoon " they are reborn", "of whom" namjoon wws still unaware of what jimin told him just now.. jimin said " she is eshwari" ," who" , " anupama" namjoon eyes widened " n-no i-its can't be" jimin said in heavy voice " it is ", " might be a illusion"

Jimin "maybe", namjoon said in heavy voice " they might be or not our work is to train them do your work " , jimin said " yes" to namjoon as he left for the class

The class view was slightly different as everyone surrounded anu who was solving the question using ncert as 34 students were waiting for her to complete as they can copy and anu paid no attention to them then lavanya saw jimin who comeback to class. She giggled. Jimin raised his eyebrows as he went towards anu took her copy as making anu look at him as she stood up

Jimin looked at the solution which was correct , looking at anu as him was surprised because this was the problem eshwari made which was unable to solve by anyone except only her.. anu said in deep voice" sir is it right" jimin gulped *nodded* yaa sit down

Anu sat as namjoon interrupted the class " class, now chemistry clas have been ended and mine have started " jimin looked at him in disbelief " bro I just came now"," I'm taking it " , " you would have asked me", "why do I " ( smirk) , jimin unable to face namjoon said bye to class as he left

Namjoon smiled brightly as he teached trigonometry functions as he was maths teacher and gave a problem on the board to solve which was hard for a person who isn't a fast learner and after he gave the question he sat on the chair as was observing everyone.. everyone was confused except one which was anupama who was solving the problem with her fast handwriting.. namjoon was mesmerised as he started to walk among students as was looking at her work as then after sometime anu showed him her solution, which was solved in the enchanted book way

*You might be thinking what is enchanted book , each subject have a enchanted book in modern life it is called as textbook but in the magical spell it was known as enchanted book which is said to be most hard to read for beginners but anu solved it as it was nothing*

Namjoon was mind blown but didn't showed it as that day the classes ended early as it was the first day of school.. anu left as every student followed her as she was popular but it's not like she is with friends everyone but her aura which made people attract towards her except for lavanya and janvi.. they came towards namjoon and said " bye~" and shy laughed as they ran.. namjoon rolled his eyes as then he left to the cabin where every teacher was seated


Thank You for Reading!🪷✨

🪻Dear Reader,Thank you for joining me on this journey through "warrior academy: the ultimate showdown"..

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Stay tuned for the next part!!

Stay tuned for the next part!!

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To be continued.....

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