warrior academy-5

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Jimin used to cheer anu as made her out of her depression as every teacher supported him as only jimin's power was enough to give sufficient power needed for anu to level up as in the next day even though anu couldn't bear lavanya but there was only 1 mark difference from which jimin was very happy but anu wasn't..

Meanwhile , other teachers still pretending to be on the side of lavanya , this time taehyung thought of telling syllabus to only lavanya as she kept it a secret as in class he told you have to read everything as anu agreed as she studied the things which weren't gonna ask in exam taehyung already saw it from his far vision he didn't wanted her to fail as he told her that last 3 chapters were gonna be asked as anu was shocked " b-but y-you said to study the entire thing", " I know i said fron which you all will get your revision from these tests", anu was in shock as she asked with anger voice which was polite  " who know that you were gonna ask only 3 chapters , lavanya know right" ,  taehyung gulped as he couldn't maintain eye contact with anu as he nodded as looked at anu eyes he remembered eshwari's eyes

Meanwhile , other teachers still pretending to be on the side of lavanya , this time taehyung thought of telling syllabus to only lavanya as she kept it a secret as in class he told you have to read everything as anu agreed as she studied the thin...

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Taehyung gasped as anu left from there as took a random guide from her classmates as she studied she passed but didn't scored as lavanya as lavanya after winning two fights over her and scoring high than her in academics

Anupama's mental health worsoned as after 1 week of the test anu scored well in all subjects except for biology as anu entered the bio lab as taehyung wasn't really happy as the point to be noted that the day when it was his subject exam after the exam he asked anu how she wrote as she answered him saying that she wrote what she knows till now as said she gave her 100% taehyung was happy that she tried but didn't expected her to score this low

Taehyung was sitting on his teacher's chair as he was waiting for anu as he knew she was going to arrive as he saw from his far vision.. entire day anu stayed quiet as she entered the bio lab just to find taehyung, Lavanya and janvi looking at her as anu directly looked at taehyung as went towards him as at that time Lavanya spoke " anu you scored less than me what happened" anu looked at her with dark gaze as said " did i ask you " lavanya shook her head as she back off. Taehyung was scared internally but didn't showed it as he asked anu " do you need your answer sheet","yes", taehyung gave her the answer sheet as he suggested her to see Lavanya's paper she didn't agreed as taehyung explained her errors as Lavanya was looking at anu acting concerned

Taehyung said in a soothing voice " anupama don't worry these aren't gonna count anyways you just have to study harder remember" anu nodded as tear filled up her eyes which she didn't let flow as taehyung noticed it " d-dont worry" anu looking at her paper with a dissatisfaction in her eyes and taehyung said one thing which resulted in open of invigorated form of anupama

Taehyung said " this time Lavanya's score is high than you " as Lavanya jumped as she was so happy but immediately realised that there is anu she tried to console anu as anu removed her hand from her shoulder. Anu didn't even took a glance on lavanya as she returned the paper to taehyung as she looked at taehyung with her teary eyes silently , taehyung knew what he did now as he regretted " d-dont be s-sad it happens" anu looked at the door as she looked at him " the battle is the finals right" taehyung answered " yes", anu looked at him " I will show what I'm " anu left the lab as taehyung called her name and was telling her to calm down but she didn't turned behind

Taehyung was really concerned at this point.. he immediately remembered eshwari's incident when he initiately let vaishnavi win eshwari who was still fighting with her mind didn't thought of her she left the  power being taught and went solo in learning as she learnt by enchanted books as now it's anupama who stepped out her right feet from the bio lab as anu tears fell of her eyes which weren't being noticed by anyone

Taehyung looked at lavanya as she was laughing and making fun of anupama as he yelled " don't make fun of her. She have ability to make your downfall" , lavanya gulped " I was just joking" taehyung rolled his eyes

In cabin , every teacher was present. Taehyung explained what happened with him as how lavanya reacted as jimin answered him saying that each day anu face is turning paler which was really concerning but the thing is they couldn't do anything in this as they called jungkook

Taehyung looked at jungkook " jungkook. You are sports teacher, anupama and lavanya went to a debate right what happened" jungkook explained that entire debate how anu helped lavanya to win but the credit lavanya made it look like only she did it from which although it was achievement of anupama but the praise half of it went to Lavanya although she did nothing just copied anu's script next debate which they went today anu won the compitition as she didn't helped lavanya as today was the day too when anu tears fell cuz of her result

Taehyung asked Jungkook " do you have her number" jungkook said " ya", " any status she put on send it to me" , "why though", " today she will enter her invigorated form"," ok"

Taehyung was in his home as was waiting for the message then his phone rang revealing it was jungkook he picked up the call

Taehyung picked up the call " hello jungkook"," hyung ( brother) i sent you ss see it"

*The ss had*

"The end is the beginning "

Taehyung saw it immediately remembered eshwari who said the same


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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