Netflix and Chill

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Shubman and Laranya woke up feeling absolutely amazing.

Laranya got up and did her morning routine and wore simple black shorts and a black hoodie (because his home was central AC which she wasn't habituated) she took -without the permission- from Shubman's wardrobe.

While Shubman just wore simple orange boxers with black oversized T-shirt.

Shubman was sitting on the couch with pancakes kept on the center table and the Television on. Currently showing nothing. When Laranya entered the living room.

"Wait... Isn't....that my hoodie? "
Damn she is looking like an angel.

"Uh... Yes kind of see I didn't know that your house would be this cold ok" She plopped herself beside Shub.

"What do you want to watch? "

"I don't know anything this cricketer likes" She pinched his cheeks and kissed the spot where it became red.

"Ouch that hurt" He grabbed Laranya's waist tight

"Stop! " She giggled

They then watched a series I don't know.


Word count - 162 words

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