IX | Unknown Number

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THERE IS ONE PARTICULAR JAPANESE LEGEND my biological mother bothered enough to tell me about. She told me this, because she came to this foreign country from Japan with big dreams in mind. Like any other immigrant, she'd held hope close to heart when she first landed: hope for a better future that her small town back in Japan could never give her. I don't know exactly what her dreams were, but they sure didn't entail becoming a mafia wife to the Kato Mafia's don. She also never expected to have an affair with the don of the Reid Mafia and conceive me.

Initially, she'd kept me. She raised me secretly in one of the hidden warehouses so Mr. Kato would never find out. But once he started getting suspicious as to why mom visited that particular warehouse again and again, she'd given me up to her forbidden lover, dad. So after my biological father discarded me like I was an annoying grievance in his life, mom raised me all by herself until she didn't want to handle the scandal – till I was put at the doorstep of the Reids. In the short time she'd kept me, she'd told me stories, and raised me up the way a proper Japanese kid would: I'd celebrated Kanda Matsuri every year, and even seen the cherry blossom trees in the warehouse turn pink each spring. Whenever she'd miss her family back in Japan and her siblings, she'd tell me the myth about the divine siblings in Japanese mythology: Tsukuyomi the Moon god, Amaterasu the Sun goddess, Susano'o the Storm god.

Legend says that the three of them were born at the same point in space and time. That's how it usually is with Logan, Thea and I. The three middle children of the Reid family. The ones who are too awkward to fill in the shoes of our successful older brothers: Overachieving Ravi, and Responsible-to-a-fault Vincent, and too damaged to fit in with Aaron, who's been shielded a great deal from the harsh truths of this world.

It was supposed to be the three of us: Raitoningu, sandā, tenpesuto. The Lightning, The Thunder, The Tempest.

Logan was the tempest, the deadly calm before the storm; I was the quiet, yet rageful thunder; and she was the Lightning, the light whose significance was often forgotten. I guess that's on us. Maybe she was too done with our line of work. Maybe she lived in a house where everyone loved one another but no one felt loved.

Today is a new day, and I'm supposed to take Thea and Jordan back to their old apartment to get their stuff back since they're going to be permanently staying with us. Permanence. I almost laugh. Whatever will I know about permanence? Either way, Thea's two options were stay or stay. It's not like any of us were willing to let her leave – not after she just came back. It's like a mini-road trip given that the destination is a small town that is disguised as a busy city which is hours away from our place.

Hours which I am willing to spend with Thea and Jordan after the years spent away from them.

Aaron and Ravi wanted to come too, but Vincent said something's up. I wonder what it could be. It probably doesn't involve any murder, threatening, or bloody interrogation, otherwise I would be needed, given that although everyone one of us can fight, I'm the only one with the black belt and the hardest punch.

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