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When I woke up the next morning, I still felt empty and sad

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When I woke up the next morning, I still felt empty and sad. I should've been with Lee Know and Yoonseo. I shouldn't even have to worry about Jeongin anymore...that part of my life was supposed to be over. I felt like I was playing pretend...a life-or-death version of it.

I eventually forced myself to roll out of bed. I couldn't bring myself to speak in the mirror today...couldn't bring myself to be Peter.

I went to the kitchen instead where I made a cup of coffee and sat outside as I'd done most mornings. I took the first sip and sighed. I knew I'd have to confront Malena today and try to explain that I didn't see our lunch as a date. I hoped she didn't hate me or think I'd been ghosting her because I hadn't enjoyed spending time with her...

I just couldn't put up the facade when I was thinking about Yoonseo all weekend. Not to mention, I really wasn't looking forward to the conversation because, if it went poorly, I'd be left completely alone in this city again, and I really liked having a friend...even if my friend didn't know who I really was.

I wondered if I'd be able to keep her as a friend after they found Jeongin. I didn't know if that was allowed. I'd have to ask my agent whenever I got to see or speak with him again.

I finished my breakfast and put away my coffee mug before shuffling outside to check my mail. I really hoped the letter came indicating Yoonseo and Lee Know were okay. I opened my mailbox to find nothing there, though.

I hurried back inside before Malena could see me, deciding that I needed to get this over with (but not in my pjs). I changed into something more appropriate and headed over to her house.

I knocked just once before the door flew open.

"Peter! Hey!" she greeted breathlessly with a genuine smile. She always radiated positivity like the sun...I needed someone like that around me. Everything in my life felt so dark.

"Malena," I smiled back, "Do you have a minute?"

"Yea! Come on in," she motioned as she stepped aside.

I walked into her house and noticed how warm it was. The sage green walls I'd seen weren't just in the entryway, but they carried over into the living room as well and even further into her kitchen. The furniture was effortless and seemed to be random finds that all worked to fit cohesively with raw or distressed finishings. Wicker baskets and plants of all sizes filled the space. It was comforting.

"So..." she started. "I'm guessing you wanted to let me know you didn't enjoy the date."

"No, I..." I began but she cut me off.

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