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Yn pov

I need to return to my body. I can't live in this bod. I need to meet Jisoo, but she doesn't recognize me. Oh God, what should I do?

Wait, they must be at the hospital right now. I'm sure she would meet me because I called her by her name—she must be curious. But how do I get out of this house?

Jimin: So, how is her wound now?

Doctor: It was just a small cut on her shoulder, so nothing serious.

Jimin: Hmm, I'll transfer your fee to your bank account.

Doctor: I trust you.

The doctor leaves the mansion.

Yoongi: Jungkook, did you call Jin?

Jungkook: Yes, J-Hope and Jin are on their way back.

Suddenly, they hear a girl's voice. They all turn around.

Jungkook: Mina, how are you, my girl?

He hugs her.

Mina: Good as always.

She then greets everyone.

Mina: Where are Jin and Hobi oppa?

Taehyung: They're coming.

Mina: Oh, and Jiah? I don't have her number. To be honest, I'm here to meet her. I want to discuss something important.

Jimin: You can tell us. She is sleeping.

Mina: Actually, it's about her real body.

Taehyung: You can tell us.

Mina: I can't repeat it again and again. I'll tell everyone together.

Yoongi: Ugh, okay...

Mina: It's 8 a.m. and she is still sleeping?

Taehyung: She must be tired.

Mina: Tired?

Jimin: we went to the mafia gathering.

Mina: It was yesterday. Did she go with you?

Jimin: Yeah.

Mina: Were the Venomous Ladies there?

Taehyung: Yes, we announced Jiah as our 8th member.

Mina: WHAT?!

Yoongi: Yeah.

Mina: Look, I'm not jealous, but I've been asking to be an official member of this group for years, but you said it's only a boys' group. But now her?

Jimin: There are some reasons for us.

Mina: An-

Jin: Mina, when did you get here?

J-Hope and Jin enter the mansion.

Mina: Just an hour ago.

She hugs Jin and then J-Hope.

J-Hope: I almost forgot your face.

Mina: Oh, how can you forget someone this beautiful?

J-Hope laughs at her.

Yoongi: She really is Jin's sister; both of them always praise themselves.

Jin: So?

Jimin: Well guys, leave it. We have something more important to discuss.

Jin: Oh yeah, we went to their mansion but didn't fi-

Jimin: No, not that. We got Jiah back, that's enough for now. We will see NEXUS later. For now-

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