Meeting Plan

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Jiah "I think it's better to say I lost my memory than to claim we swapped souls; I don't want to sound crazy."

Mr.jang comes inside

Mr.jang: Boss doctor said you Can go home

Jiah lost in her thoughs

Mr. Jang: "Are you alright, boss?"

Jiah: "Oh, uh, yes. Can I ask you something?"

Mr. Jang: "Boss, why are you asking for permission? Just ask." *bows*

Jiah: "Uh, why do you bow? You seem rather old; what's your age?"

Mr. Jang: "I'm 38 years old. I'm not that old, and secondly, you're my boss too."

Jiah: *laughs* "Oh, you're not old! You're just tired, maybe that's why you look a bit aged."

Mr. Jang: "I was right; you lost your memory." *looks down*

Jiah: "You're right, I don't remember anything."

Mr. Jang: "Don't tell anyone about this."

Jiah: "Why? I thought it would be better if I tell everyone becau--" *Mr. Jang cuts*

Mr. Jang: "Boss, sorry for cutting you off, but we can't tell anyone about it."

Jiah: "Can I ask why?"

Mr. Jang: "Your enemies can take advantage of it."

Jiah: "I didn't understand."

Mr. Jang: "If Mr. Park or your other enemies find out, they can ruin your position as the Mafia queen."

Jiah: "Can you explain how?"

Mr. Jang: "First, let's go to your mansion."

Jiah: "Okay."


In the car:

Jiah: "So, how far is my mansion?"

Mr. Jang: "It will take us at least an hour and a half to reach the mansion."

Jiah: "So, it's really far, hmm! Well, I can't wait. Just tell me now, how can they affect my position? Where are my parents, and how did I become the Mafia queen? What kind of person was I? Tell me everything."

Mr. Jang: "I'll tell you everything. In the Mafia world, there are many Mafias, but the one with the most power and money is considered the Mafia king or queen."

Jiah: "So, do they live like a family?"

Mr. Jang: "No, it's the opposite. They are enemies of each other. They act as if they are friends, but in reality, they are enemies. For now, there are two Mafias considered king and queen. You're the queen, and the other one is Park Jimin; he's the king."

Jiah: "Is he handsome?" *smiles widely*

Mr. Jang: "Umm, sorry, but you can't have feelings for him; he's your enemy, and his father killed your parents too."

Jiah: "What's his full name?"

Mr. Jang: "Park Jimin."

Jiah, in her mind: *So, Jiah was talking about canceling the meeting with him.*

Jiah: "So, now are Park and I friends?"

Mr. Jang: "No, even though you both never show hatred for each other during meetings, you both know that you hate each other."

Jiah: "So, did he ever attack me?"

Mr. Jang: "He did, but your teammates saved you. We at--" *Jiah cuts his sentence*

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