Onika's Insatiable {Part 2}

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And all I have to do is hold you

There's a racing within my heart

And I am barely touching you

"Ah, Onika just like that! You know my body so well!" Laurens moans shifting her hips at the gyrations of Onika's fingers entering her over and over again underneath the covers of their shared queen size bed. Sweat peppered her forehead, rubbing heatedly against Lauren's as her blushing cheeks pulled her mouth in and out of Onika's. The dark hair vampire rests her head on the pillow beside her girlfriend, sweat brimming her brows and lips as she fights to keep herself in control. Lauren kisses the dip under her lip and Onika rolls on top of her, lapping up her lip gloss. "Hmm fuck." Onika presses onward, confusing spurts of chills down her shoulder blades.......for her body's reaction to ecstasy. From a nearby tree, Beyoncé drags a blood stained finger to her lips and sucks on it as she voyeurs on the couple's steamy session below her. Not even thirty minutes earlier, she'd been walking around their neighborhood — growing hungry from all of this watching time taking time from her usual feedings.

You see, Beyoncé didn't believe Onika. She didn't believe that there was any love a human could give that would be enough to completely change how a vampire interacted with the world. She believed that Onika was making excuses for being in an all consuming state of lust. She desired humans and so she'd romanticize every instance of lust for something more. Because if she understood her lust for what it was, Onika would see all of her years as their puppet for naught. In Beyoncé's mind, Onika had a human fetish. A human woman fetish. She relished being seen as some sort of super lover amongst those that weren't her own, and despised being brought back down to Earth when reminded just how pathetic she was behaving.

Speckled lips dancing in moonlight, the blonde vampire sighs watching her younger counterpart lick stripes up her girlfriend's neck, humping her stomach as her thrusts increase in strength and length. While out on her neighborhood stroll, she came across a man in his early thirties jogging. It was getting dark, he was alone......so she followed. She wasn't brutal about it, nor did she particularly delight in it like she normally did. Sticking her fangs into his neck and draining his blood felt like a means to an end; sadly.

She did it so she could rush back to Onika's house and continue watching. Gathering information.

Studying their relationship.

She felt angry that she couldn't enjoy it — she blamed Onika for that. If Onika hadn't become a recurring interloper in her brain since meeting her in that chamber, then maybe she'd be off polishing her scythes or taking her time during feedings. Maybe if she had never known Lauren existed, she wouldn't come back, day after day, lurking outside their house trying to find out how any of this made sense.

Lust only made sense.

She found herself tightening a grip around her own thighs as Lauren arched her back, one breast in the other's mouth. There was no way she saw such food as her equal, Beyonce snarked in her head.

But even though the sight disgusted her, she stayed for it all. The dips of the human's shaking body. "Jesus, Onika you got it!" The rocking of the vampire's hips. "Arch deeper babe — yeeaah you got me Lo." The moaning and screaming from the human as her girlfriend seemed to plow through her with a dildo, then her fingers, then the dildo again — cuffed to the edge of the bed — rocking her hips again with unrelenting, superhuman strength that made her love making equal to no other woman she had ever known (and ever would know). Beyoncé stayed even for the aftercare, that involved Onika wiping up after the both of them and changing the sheets. They were both wandering the bedroom naked, but Beyoncé found herself lasering in on the pronounced dip on Onika's lower back. A thin veil of sweat reflected the moonlight right above her reddening butt. The friction from the bed still had her hot, even after the calm down, reaching for Lauren's fragile body. A steady barrage of sleepy kisses followed them both as they struggled to walk back to bed. Lauren picked up clothes laying on their dresser, but they were having a hard time trying to fit the cotton pajamas over both their bodies neatly, as they were entangled in each other again. "Ugh! Oh, ah!" Onika winced feeling an imaginary force steal her breath as Lauren absentmindedly sucked her clavicle. Her pants sat right below her butt and her collar shirt managed to fit over her head, just for the thick fabric to be yanked by the horny woman above her. She hiccuped, blinking as the pressure pinched her hips. She was perfectly disoriented when flipped on her back by Lauren who was acutely unaware of how suddenly her lover had become an immotile, stuttering mess. "Hmm I know we just got out of the shower but," she kisses around her shirt collar's neckline, "that mango soap is heavenly on you babe." Onika felt the pressure build. Her body was going haywire with a sudden burst of chills. "L-L-Lau—"

Beynika Oneshots: In Narration Of Song, Love Will Go OnWhere stories live. Discover now