Chapter 1

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3rd Person's POV

A group of 5 men, 6 women, and 7 dwarves race on horses through a rose garden finding a gold coffin with a woman dressed in red inside seeming to be asleep. The group hop their horses and a young man rushes forward tears gathering in his eyes.

"No..." he whispers.

"We're too late." One of the dwarves say as the others begin to cry feeling sorrow.

"Just help me say goodbye." The man pleads and the dwarves nod lifting the lid of the glass coffin and the man steps forward tears still in his eyes and leans down kissing the sleeping girl and a burst of pure light magic bursts bringing light to the land and the girl gasps awake looking around before her eyes settle on the man.

"You came for me." She says happiness in her voice.

"Always." The man says as they kiss again and the group begins to cheer around them. The girl is helped out of her coffin and is approached by a woman dressed in white.

"You saved me." The woman with hair as dark as night, skin as pale as snow, and lips as red as blood dressed in white says.

"I was hoping to." The girl in red says smiling as the two women hug. They pull away after a few moments. "Now what do we do?"

"Now we take back the kingdom." A men dressed in red, white, and gold responds. They all smile at one another.

~Time Skip~

"Do you Prince David take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife from now until forever?" A man standing under a white gazebo says.

"I do." The man now known as David responds smiling.

"Do you Snow White take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband from now until forever?" The man asks again.

"I do." The woman now known as Snow White responds smiling.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife." The man says and the two lovers kiss as their closest friends and family cheer happily including the girl in red and her lover. Suddenly the doors burst open.

"Sorry I'm late." The woman dressed in black and silver responds walking in.

"It's the Queen." A dwarf yells in fear.

"She's not Queen anymore she has no power here, she can't harm us." Snow says trying to calm the fearful people.

"She's just an evil..." David starts but Snow stops him.

"Don't stoop to her level." Snow says grabbing her new husband's hands.

"On the contrary, I'm here to give you a gift." The former Queen says.

"We don't want your gift." The man holding the girl in red close responds.

"Ah, but you shall have it." The woman smirks. "My gift to you is this happy, happy day... then tomorrow my real work begins. I will make it so that the only happy ending is mine." The woman finishes giving a hidden soft look to the girl in red before turning and walking away.

"Hey!" David yells before grabbing his sword and throwing it at her only for her to disappear in a purple cloud of smoke.

~28 Years Later~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2024 ⏰

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