Chapter 18

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João POV

I woke up to birds chirping, it was heavenly.I had the best sleep of my life..

Did I dream of Callista the whole night?Yes.

She was too beautiful, I couldn't stop thinking about how I was going to get her back.

I get dressed and head downstairs.Ronaldo and Georgina were already awake.

"Good sleep João?" Ronaldo asks me in a chirpy tone.

Oh I definitely had a good night sleep.."yes! That bed is very comfortable, thank you for letting me stay"I reply.

They both smiled at me and Georgina handed me a cup of coffee.I smile back at her and thank her for the coffee.

It was the perfect coffee.I drank the coffee as Ronaldo spoke to me about our next game.

It was time for me to go back to Magui's..

I say goodbye to Ronaldo and Georgina.I walk out the door and step into my car.I could still smell her perfume in my car.

It was a distinct smell, I knew it was hers.

I drive to Magui's house.I pull into the street of her house.I see a car..

It wasn't her car so who was here?

I walk up to the door as the door creeks open.I quietly enter the house.It was quiet but I heard whispers coming from the bedroom..

I slowly walk up to the door and put my ear up against the window.I needed to find out who was here.

I hear a voice. "so how's my baby getting on?"
It wasn't Magui's voice.Whats going on ,why are they talking about my baby.

I look through the peephole.My eyes widened in shock of who it was.

It was Harry Kane.

What the actual fuck.I got flashbacks to the time I went into her shed and it was covered in pictures of Harry.Everything was starting to make sense.

I continue to listen in on their conversation.I hear Harry speak again.

"when are you going to tell João the baby is mine and not his."I gasp silently.

The b-babies not mine?I was relieved but also sad that I wasn't going to be a father.

I then hear Magui's voice."he's not going to find out".

That fucking bitch!She really thought she was gonna get away with this didn't she...

"enough about João, let me give you what you want" I hear Magui say.

I look through the peephole again.That was a mistake.

Magui was giving Harry a blow job..I didn't have to see that.What the fuck.

I have to leave now and wrap my head around everything that's going on.

I sneak out of the house and hop into my car, zooming off to the beach.

I liked the beach.It was my safe space, I felt it was always peaceful there.

I could let my thoughts out and no one would know.

I pull up to the beach and turn of the engine of my car.I was finally at my safe space.

I walked down onto the beach but instead of having peace.

I seen Callista, she wasn't alone..

She was with....

Guess who she's with???

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