Enter a New World

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The four friends (and two lovers) stood at the edge of a huge hot spring, the steam which rose from it hissing when it met the bone chilling cold of the winter air.

"Here we are," Jaime said, his golden blonde shoulder length hair disheveled and matted.

"Any last words before we...?" Jon asked, voice barely above a whisper.

Aegon shuddered then looked at him. He opened his mouth slightly, then closed it, tongue suddenly feeling heavy.

I love you.

It was on the tip of his tongue, and yet.

And yet. The world as they knew it was ending, they were about to enter a completely new life and for the life of him, Aegon couldn't get his mouth to cooperate.

After a few dreadful seconds, his tongue finally loosened. Since the Common Tongue was failing him, he used the next best thing.

"Avy jorrāelan," he whispered, fervent, relishing in the way Jon's eyes widened a bit. "Ñuha jorrāeliarzy, I'll find you again, I swear it. Wait for me, my Jaehaerys. Swear to me you'll wait."

Jon nodded, a crazed, longing look in his eyes. "I swear. I- I love you too. I'll see you again, come what may."

Come what may. Aegon felt his heart crack a bit in his chest, then mend.

He nodded, then turned to the other two - who were just looking at them with teary eyes - and smiled.

"Together?" Aegon asked, reaching out to hold Sansa's delicate hand once more. She smiled at him gratefully, yet again.

"Yes," Jaime whispered, nodding. "We'll do it together."

They took a collective breath and jumped.

The White Wolf of Winterfell, The Young Lion of Casterly Rock, The Vengeful Red Wolf of Winterfell and The Silver Dragon Prince were no more.

And the whole of Westeros held its breath.


Aegon did not expect the water to feel so...comforting. The only indication that it could be hot was the slight prickly sensation he felt on his skin.

That was all he had time to take notice of, before he realized he was no longer holding Sansa's hand.


That was his final thought before everything went blank... .

King's Landing - 105 AC

"Push, your majesty!!"

"I can see the head!"

"Just once more, my queen!"

Alicent Hightower could do little more than scream and bear down, trying her best to push the babe out of her body.


She screamed and pushed twice more and suddenly, blessedly, she felt an emptiness she'd not felt in months.

There was a few moments of shuffling and whispering, then all of a sudden, the wails of a baby pierced the air, causing Alicent to whimper at the volume.

Gods...it sounds almost as displeased as I am...

"Congratulations, my queen...you have a son."

Alicent's heart lurched, and she sighed in relief.

"Alert my father, husband and step daughter at once. If they wish to see the babe, let them in."

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