4- saturday evening

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After taking a shower - they took it together, but that was only because Louis only had one shower in the house and they were both very tired. It was to optimize the time, just for that - they went to sleep - and yes, in the same bed, but only because they were too tired to prepare the guest bed.

Louis woke up a few hours later due to the strong wind blowing against the glass of the windows, one arm wrapped around the shoulders of the younger one, who was sleeping peacefully and calmly next to him, one hand resting on the older one's bare chest.

He checked the time from the alarm clock on the nightstand next to his bed and groaned when he saw the time read three in the morning. Slowly, taking hold of Harry's wrist, he moved his hand from his chest and bent his torso forward, sitting up. He rubbed his face with both palms of his hands and swung his equally bare legs out of bed.

He then stood up and walked towards the living room. On the floor, near the sofa, there were the clothes that the two had taken off the day before, thrown randomly on the floor, before going into the bedroom. He then crouched on the ground next to his jeans and reached into one of the pockets, immediately finding what he was looking for.

He looked with confusion at that pen drive from yesterday, the word Nairobi still written on it. He had decided not to say anything to Harry because he wanted to find out what it was about first. He had only known Harry for a few months, about four, when the curly boy started working at the CIA - for a long period of time Louis called him 'rookie' (not for that long though, until a few weeks before, when he started calling him princess . He knew how much it bothered him, probably more than when he called him rookie) - but he still understood the distrust he felt towards Liam.

The 'boss', so to say, of all of them was a certain Julian Smith. He was a good agent, in his fifties, but he was a real asshole. Liam was the one who came right after Smith. He was also their leader, but he responded to Smith's orders, and Harry always said, from day one, that he didn't trust him, which is why Louis hadn't said anything about the pen drive to Harry. If there ever was a need to warn Liam or even Smith about the pen drive, Harry wouldn't allow it, and he didn't want to argue.

With the pendrive in his hand, Louis went towards the unlit fireplace. Moving away the logs and old ash-he should really clean it, but he didn't feel like it- he exposed a tiny knob sticking out of the ground. Lifting it up, he opened a sort of small door that led to a small compartment beneath the ground. It was very small, about six inches square, and inside it had a safe with the door facing upwards.

It was his 'secret place'. There he kept some top secret files that he sometimes worked on, he had two guns, just in case, and the security code for the entire apartment, in case he ever forgot it and couldn't leave the house again. It was very unlikely, but never say never.

He reached out to the safe, trying to open it, when he heard a noise coming from another room.With furrowed eyebrows, he looked behind himself, into the lively part of the hall, but saw no one. He shook his head, thinking it was just the wind, and looked back at the safe, punching in the security numbers and opening the safe.

He put the key in the safe, but heard another noise, like footsteps.
He quickly closed the safe and the small compartment, covering everything with logs and ash, and stood up, looking around.

On the table he had the gun left the day before, so he ran to get it and, with it in his hand, pointed perpendicular to him, forward, he walked slowly towards the corridor, the sound of footsteps always present in the background.

The footsteps seemed to be coming from the bathroom, so he walked towards it, when "what are you doing?" Behind him he heard Harry's sleepy voice ask.

Louis turned to Harry, who was across the hall, wearing his boxers, rubbing his eyes with his fingers. The older looked at the bathroom door again and shook his head "nothing, I thought I heard footsteps"

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