Elwin's POV of the first 2 Chapters

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this is Elwin's Pov of the first 2 chapters from this story (the script is a bit different tho)

Goals of today.... I wrote on my notepad,

1. grab youth from staff room to refill fridge

2. get more achey-break from Alantis

3. finish this list.

Placing my pen down, I got up to head over to get youth, but I almost bumped into Keefe and... Sophie? Sophie did not look good. "Hey Sophie, you okay?" I asked, waving my hand in front of her face, she didn't react. "How long has she been like this?" I asked Keefe, still waving my hand. "I think about a week now," Keefe said, "She hasn't been talking either." he added. I bit my lip, before helping Sophie get to her usual cot.

After, I grabbed an elixir tray and began to put elixirs on it. By the time I came back, Sophie was still in some sort of daze. Putting the tray on the bed, I began to try a new technique. Shaking her shoulders, "Sophie, can you hear me?" I asked. That didn't work. I quickly grabbed my glasses and started to flash lights. That didn't work either.

After a few minutes, I asked Keefe if there was anything he could do. He nodded, before reluctantly taking off her glove and grabbing her hand. He began to close his eyes, and then let go. "Nothing's working, I can't fix her emotions, and I don't sense anything either." he mumbled, and that's when Sophie collapsed on the bed.

"Sophie?" I asked for what had been the 100th time. I had been shaking her shoulders and trying to give her elixirs, but it wasn't working. I was alone with Sophie in the Healing Center, because I asked Keefe to Mr. Forkle.

"What happened?" Mr. Forkle asked as he came into the Healing Center, with Keefe behind him. "I have no idea." I said, looking back at my medicine shelves for the 5th time (as that as gonna help), then running into my office to see if there was anything in there. I couldn't find anything. Once I came back, Mr. Forkle asked if he could search her mind, and I agreed.

It felt like an hour once Mr. Forkle opened his eyes. "What happened?" Keefe and I asked in unison. And he had to take a deep breath before saying, "She's under the Neverseen's control."

I had no idea how to react to that. I had no words. Luckily, Keefe asked questions while I went into the beautiful land of zoning out. I finally came back to reality when he asked when she would wake up, and I was relieved when he said in a hour or two.

Exactly one hour later (well an hour and 1 minute) Sophie woke up. And it did not go as well as I hoped it would. She automatically started crying and nothing would stop her. I looked over at Keefe, who seemed to feel overwhelmed so I told him to wait outside for a few minutes so I could fix some things.

I gotta say, it was hard to calm Sophie down. But after a while, I sat on the cot next to her and just did what I did best, rubbing her back, telling her she was okay and that she was safe (❤️)

After her crying turned to hiccups, I grabbed a bottle of Youth (my last one because I never got more!) and opened it for her. I was trying to give it to Sophie but all she did was shake her head. That's when I knew there was something really wrong.

I had no idea what to do, except plead for her to drink something, but nothing convinced her. I went back to grab a new elixir tray and placed it on her bed. But she just stared at it. Once I gave up, I let Keefe back inside.

I wasn't paying attention to their conversation until Keefe started to beg Sophie to take something, anything. She bit her lip before curling into a ball and beginning to cry again.

I kept asking Sophie if she was okay, which was very clear. And with no response, I began to snap lights to see if there was anything physically wrong. Her cells were exhausted, she definitely had a headache, and some Achey-Break would be great for her at the moment. After thinking for a while, I tried to give her some mood enhancer, but she wouldn't take it.

After a while, I chose to give her some space, so I went back to my office. When I came back an hour later, she was hiding under the covers. I honestly do not know what to do at all.

I hope you enjoyed it!! :) 

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