Chapter 18: The Betrayal

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The next cave was as boring as the last. A couple of weird creatures, such as the Axoleer. Which was a large rhino type beast, with a huge long red tongue. It stood over 20 feet high, towering over all the dragons. But no one had to worry. The Axoleer was the friendliest creature the group would ever come across. Some dragons liked to call it 'The Hugger'. This was because it would hug you with all it's strength (Which wasn't a lot!), and if you hugged back, the Axoleer would remember your face forever. It would plant a picture in it's brain. If you did not hug the Axoleer back, it would not harm you in the slightest, just leave you alone. It would never hug you again.

Nightflyer and Coco stayed back, not hugging the Axoleer, but the rest did. Pineapple hugged the Axoleer multiple times, making the creature have a small biased opinion toward Pineapple. Cyrus was jealous, so Pineapple stepped back to give Cyrus the chance to befriend the creature. But the Axoleer was tired, and a bit done with hugging all these dragons, so he retreated back into it's part of the cave, making Cyrus disappointed, and Bamboo laugh loudly. Sunmaker had found a liking to Cyrus, as he was a big jokester, always making jokes at the best and worst times. Sunmaker loved joking around with people, and Pineapple loved it when Sunmaker did, because she loved their laugh. Pineapple couldn't exactly explain why, but their laugh made Pineapple smile wide.

Sparks enjoyed Cyrus' company as well, always joining in when Cyrus burst out into song. Pineapple loved songs, so she always joined in as well. And as much as Bamboo always laughed at Cyrus' jokes, she was suspicious of them. Cyrus was kind, but definitely hiding something, according to Bamboo. Coco warmed up to Cyrus after a couple of hours, but was still very cautious of what she said around him. All of them were.

The caves were still empty, but there was one that caught their attention. "Hey guys! Check this out!", Sparks pointed. The ones before were really huge and everywhere, but Sparks saw one out of the corner of his eye. It was narrow, small, and hidden in the crevice of two caves near.

"Hey guys! Check this out!"

"Let's go look!!", Pineapple smiled. They all flew into the narrow cave. Coco stayed out due to her fear of small spaces, but everyone else was fine. Although Pineapple did stay out as well to keep Coco company, Sunmaker did have the intuition that Pineapple was claustrophobic as well.

The rest of them headed into the narrow cave with caution, curiosity, and excitement, mixed with a lot of anxiety.

They crawled through the black darkness, afraid of what was in store. They were all stuffed in together, so there was barely any room to move. And you could only move once the dragon at the front -Bamboo- moved a little. It was even hard for Bamboo to move through the narrow cave, as it was so small, and all of their heads scraped against the top of the rock slightly. Nightflyer was surprisingly the most confident one in the group. She was used to small spaces, and she pretty much loved the feeling of being in those spaces. Her bedroom cave back in the moon dragon kingdom was very tiny, with minimal space to move around. And one of Nightflyers hobbies was, actually, discovering new caves, and new creatures in caves. She was the moon dragon kingdom explorer. So, she was used to crawling through tight spaces.

"Nightflyer? You're the cave expert, right? How long do you think we have until we actually find something?!", Cyrus laughed. Nightflyer rolled her eyes, and even though Cyrus couldn't see anything, they could tell that Nightflyer was frustrated, but at the same time, found his joke funny. They were all getting a little restless, and Sparks was thinking they should turn back. But, just as Cyrus was about to make another stupid joke, Bamboo hit her head on the top of the cave.

"Ow!", she yelped.

"You okay Bamboo?", Nightflyer asked. Just as Bamboo was about to reply, Nightflyer gasped. She was right behind Bamboo, and if she tipped her head far enough, she could see what was in front. And what Bamboo hit her head on was rock. But there was a tunnel. A tunnel going down. And it was blocked. They were stuck, with no way out. Sunmaker was thinking about blasting the cave to smithereens. But they came to the conclusion that the cave would probably fall on top of them, so it most likely would not work in the slightest. Sparks was at the back, but he couldn't really turn around since the cave was so narrow. Sparks could barely move without grazing a talon on the side wall.

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