04|The Inspiration

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January 5th, 2017
Houston, TX

January 5th, 2017Houston, TX9:27am

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Standing at podium—Jo'vanni spoke to the platform production students at Morgan State University about what it took to get where he was at now

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Standing at podium—Jo'vanni spoke to the platform production students at Morgan State University about what it took to get where he was at now. Jo was excited when the University's president reached out to his manager via email in hopes of getting his attention. With him being one of the top producers in the world and some of the students wanting to go into producing music, videos, movies—Jo was happy he was able to drop a few gems.

"This shit take hard work, dedication, being determined, and a bunch of hours of patience." Jo spoke. "To have a hand in producing means having shit correct, having it right because when it comes to production, it's everything. From the sound down to the little tiny details because I promise any little fuck up, somebody gonna' make sure they point that shit out. Regardless how good the movie, video, song, anything is. Somebody gonna' find that mistake which is why it take hours and hours of rewatching, re-editing, re-directing. It's a process and you gotta' be ready to lock into that process."

Jo went on to talk about his first ever music video he produced. "It was the song The things you do to me by Rye Renee. If y'all heard that song, y'all know that shit bout freaky as hell." He said making the students laugh. "I remember I sat there staring blankly at every screen so closely that I could've seen a fly away sticking up in her hair. That's how much attention you gotta' pay. People don't play about their music, their movies, nothing. If it's' bad, you fucking with they money and people don't like they money fucked with."

Rome talked for another half-hour before he took questions from the audience. By the time he was done—he'd taken a couple of pictures with a few of the students and given them his contact information before he headed out to his next task. An interview on with Aiyanna Gaines. Aiyanna had her own podcast and has been reaching out to Jo for months. His team had finally brought it up to him and he didn't hesitate to agree. He loved Aiyanna.

Walking out through the back door to avoid paparazzi—Jo smiled seeing his driver Bernard standing there with the door open for him. Bernard had been with him since he was twenty-one. He traveled to every city with him when he had a busy schedule. Jo only drove where he lived at, anywhere else, Bernard was making sure he was there.

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