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Zac showered and got prepared for the wedding! He knew he needed to get to the grooms suite with the rest of the guys! His dick kept feeling tingly and he already knew him and Fatima fucked! He was feelings gooder than a MF but they still couldn't stand each other! He grabbed his suit and left out of his room!

Meanwhile Fatima had already showered and made it to the bridal suite!

Angela, "I was about to put a APB out on your ass girl where tf have you been?"

Fatima, "I got tied up but I'm here now!"

Lori, "Girl come get your hair did and pint up! Y'all know I don't have all day! Hell I'm in the wedding to you know!"

Fatima, "Shit I'm sorry y'all it won't happen again!"

Jana, "You seen Zac?"

Fatima, "Umhm!"

Angela, "Her ass acting nonchalant! She knows he looking good asf! He grew the beard out a little more and everything!"

Fatima, "Girl I'm not worried about him! Did y'all asses forget I got options?"

Jana, "Options my ass, you want that man! How the hell we haven't been able to get your ass to come down for shit but the moment you hear Zac is the best man you're on the first flight out?"

Lori, "Exactly! Make that shit make sense to us because we are confused asf!"

Fatima laughed, "Confusion looks good on y'all!"

Angela, "Heifer you know what she means! We have had so many gathers and Zac was overseas! The moment you hear he's back here you go on the first flight smoking!"

Fatima, "So you really thought I wouldn't make it to your wedding?"

Lori, "Hell yeah! You barely made it to ours and kept looking over your shoulders trying to see if Zac was coming you ain't slick!"

Jana, "Look at her ass acting like she doesn't know what you're talking about!"

Angela, "Zac is a good man and if you don't stop one of them Air Force women gone snatch his ass right from
Under you T!"

Fatima, "Zac may be a catch but so am I!"

Lori, "T you are one of the baddest Judges around and you own 5 law firms which is a major accomplishment and you know we always give you your props but Zac is the Colonel Zachary L. Taylor, he's a commander in the Air Force with 4 medals, 5 wings, the baddest aviation pilot there is and he has a degree in engineering and real estate!"

Jana, "Exactly any woman would be lucky to have him! Your ass around here acting like you can't stand him knowing that you never slept with what's his name!"

Fatima, "He believed that nigga and I let him! I found out he was fucking so it is what it is!"

Angela, "Fatima cut the shit, y'all wasn't together! The beef y'all have is imaginary but we will mind our business cause we love you enough to stay out of it but right is right and wrong is wrong and both of y'all stubborn asses are wrong!"

Lori, "I bet your ass broke him off last night that's why you were late!" Lori just so happened to look down while curling Fatima's hair and saw the ring glistening, "Uh Uh who tf did you marry?"

Jana and Angela looked over and Fatima dropped her head!

Jana, "Oh you acting shy now! Who was it?"

Angela, "And when did that shit happen because I know you didn't marry a complete stranger over night!"

The girls were waiting for Fatima's answer and she was tryna think of a lie but she figured she might as well tell the truth!

Fatima, "Well it was ZAC!"

The Girls, "WHAT?!!"

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