chapter 34

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pulling into a yard Demarco parked the car getting out as I followed suit in an unfamiliar house opening the door a sweet looking middle aged lady opened the door

"Marco mi big bwoy" the lady said so I'm guessing this is his mother

Guh deh twin yaa meet mother in law

Hugging his mother they smiled  embracing each other

Pulling away from each other he grabbed my arm as we walked inside

"Mommy this is Maya maya this my mother" he said introducing us

Smiling brightly she hugged me "oh God she pretty eeh man" she said pulling away

"Thank you so much your beautiful" I replied smiling

"Marco finally carry waa daughter in law fimi meet" she said slapping his arm

"Mommy bill nuh" he said

"Dat mean mi soon get grandpickney then man" she said smiling at us

But hear yah

"Mommy" he said

"Alright alright uni hungry" she said walking towards the kitchen

"No mommy" he replied following her

"Stop chat rubbish mi can plate it and yuh carry it home" she said

Shaking his head he laughed

Sharing some food she plated it and put in a small bag setting it on the counter

"Suh sweet heart tell mi bout yuh self" she asked taking my hand walking me to the living room

"Well my name is maya I'm 17 years old and in studying to start owning my own businesses" I told her sitting beside her

"That's very nice what about your parents and family" she said smiling sitting beside me

"I live with my mother my father is over seas they aren't together but they communicate for the most part" I smiled

Nodding her head Marco walked over "yuh can stop question r now like yaa police" he said

After about 1 hour there we left and from then Demarco kept saying his mother loved me and I was the first woman he ever made meet his mother

Yet now she's probably gonna get grand babies from someone else....

Present day

Demarco POV

Going downstairs I opened the door to see my mother

"Mommy a wah yaa do yah" I asked hugging her allowing her to come inside

"Suh mi cyah look fi mi son again" she asked walking inside

"Mi never seh suh" I replied

Walking with her to the living room we sat down

"Anyways did only come fi tell yuh seh I will not be here for a while" she said

"Wah yuh mean by dat" i asked

"Mi deh gaa foriegn likkle bwoy" she said

"Guh do wah mommy" I asked

"Why yuh come out a business" she said shaking her head

"But mi affi ask" I told her

"Me and my boyfriend deh guh pah vacation"she said

But a wah di rass since when mi mada find man mi affi tell nick bout dis

"Hear yah Mommy" I said laughing

"Anyways weh mi daughter" she asked

"Upstairs" I told her

Getting up she went upstairs

Deciding to stay downstairs I went to the kitchen

Maya POV

after he went downstairs I went back to my cartoons and trying to eat but that picture made me lose my appetite

After about 5-10 minutes i heard the door open looking up I saw his mother

Smiling I sat up as she walked over sitting beside me

"How are you" she asked

"I'm fine" I said smiling weakly

"You don't look fine come on talk to me" she said

"Its just a lot has happened in the past 2 weeks I guess" i said looking down

"Like what talk to me" she asked holding my hand

" this girl came and said that she might be pregnant for Demarco and I've just felt abandoned and worst she might be having twins and my mental health has definitely taken toll because of all the stress I just don't think I can do this anymore to be honest" i said to letting out all my emotions

"Listen I know that this might be difficult but it's just a rough patch every relationship has them and I'm not saying this because hes my son but I can see that he loves you just give him a chance your my first daughter in law but if it's something you want I understand when you need to take a step back just remember that you can always talk to me ok" she said getting up and hugging me

Returning the hug she left going back downstairs

Demarco POV

When mommy came down she look slightly upset

Wah dem coulda deh talk bout suh

"Demarco Dunnbar a beg yuh doe play wid the people dem girl pickney heart is a good young lady dat get your life together" she said to me getting her things and leaving

A wah coulda cause this

Going back upstairs I saw maya laying down laughing at her cartoons just the way she laughs and smiled makes me happy the way she tries to cover her face while laughing or when she laughs so hard she has tears in eyes this way how she acts like something isnt funny or when she tries to make me laugh or tries to cheer me up after a bad day or the way she's never given up on me the way she looks, acts and feels I want to spend the rest of my life with her the most beautiful woman I've ever seen

I love her.....

Hi babes please vote and commet leave your honest reviews didnt proofread love you<3

Weh mommy find man?
Mother in law to the rescue?
He loves her?

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