Chapter 1

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Rachel's POV

I woke up at five in the morning and did my morning routine. I had asked Geoffery if we had any other form of transportation because I was not going to school in a limo. After I finished my bowl of cereal, I went to the bathroom and put on vanilla-lavender perfume and fixed my black-violet hair. Back in Azarath, people told me that in the sunlight it was violet and I thought that was pretty cool, because I haven't met anyone with natural violet hair before. I pulled on my hood and grabbed all my items before heading out the door.

The drive to the school was roughly fifteen to twenty minutes so it wasn't that far (car distance). I pulled up in front of the school and thought I was a little early because only a few kids were outside. When I walked into the school I could clearly see all the social groups in the hall. It was packed with all the students and when I finally saw the sign to the main office. I squeezed between the jocks and exhaled a sigh of relief. I pulled my purple hood off my head and patted my hair and black jeans down and bumped into two figures that were, um, making out.

The blonde guy with green tips had fallen to the floor with pink lipstick all over his mouth. I offered my hand pulled the boy up and gave him a wipe to wipe the lipstick off his face. I pushed past the two blondes and headed into the main office. The secretary was in front of me and I was glad, I didn't want to bump into any more PDA.

"Hi I'm Rachel Roth, the student that registered online." I said to the elderly lady. "Here you are sweetie, I will send you a guide to show you around." she said in a frail voice. I looked to the name tag in front of her, "Thanks Ms. Mae-Eye."

A girl with bright pink hair had approached me, and I guessed she was my guide. "Hello, I'm Jinx your guide, may I see your schedule?" I handed it to her for a split second before she handed it back and said,"Ya, we have the same schedule." She started out the door and I followed her.

"So are you popular here?" I asked trying to start a conversation, "Nah, I'm the lone wolf of the school," she said proud. "Do you mind if I be a lone wolf with you?" I questioned.

I'm going to be honest, I did not want to be feared by myself anymore. I wanted to have a friend to experience high school with. "Sure, why not. I'm tired of being feared alone." I formed a somewhat small smile. The halls were cleared now, so it was easier to move around. "Our first period is World Cultures. I'm sorry, I can't sit with you this period because the seats were decided already." The door opened and I saw that the entire class was packed.

"Hi, I'm Rachel Roth the new student here." The man looked up and said,"Oh right! I'm Dr. Light here is your syllabus and find a available seat class will begin five minutes after the bell," he finished with a smile.

I looked to the seats to see if there were any open, and when I saw one my feet made their way towards the seat, but I stopped when I saw the blonde and green hair laying to the right of my designated seat. When he heard my bag drop to the floor his head shot up and his face had a mix of emotion.

"Hey there lil mama, why don't you take a seat right here?" he said motioning his lap.

What was wrong with him, didn't he have a girlfriend to make out with, or didn't he have to attend his one night stands? Whatever, if I ignore him then he'll probably go away. Yeah that sounds like a good plan.

"Alright class, I'm Dr. Light your World Cultures teacher for the year you probably already know that because they handed out the syllabus' at the orientation, but for those who weren't at the orientation," he looked towards me,"Okay since it's the first day, you guys can just talk among yourselves. Have a nice first day back." For like the first fifteen twenty minutes no one talked, but it built up and I found out that I was the only one sitting on a seat. 

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