Chapter 16

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"That seems odd, that's how I came to apprehend this job," Raven Logan pondered out loud. "Would you mind telling me their names?" She queried curious.

"I apologize, but if I were to do so, it would ruin the whole entire tale." The man checked his watch, and returned the empty mug. The young barista took this as a sign and peered outside the window. She was greeted by a full moon and a cloudless sky filled with stars.

"Would you mind telling me more of the story?" Raven eagerly asked while looking at her phone, only now noticing that her shift was over.

"Rae, your shift is over. We'll see you here tomorrow at noon," her boss called from inside the tiny office behind the cafe.

After moving from the thought that her boss was probably eavesdropping on her she hollered,"Thanks Andrew."

Raven quickly hung up her smock and picked up the rest of her belongings. Fearing that the mysterious man had left, she ran out of the cafe turning her head side to side. She jolted slightly when she noticed he was standing waiting for her.

She grinned from ear to ear, but quickly noticed her breath in front of her. Raven pulled on the sleeves to her warm jacket, "Are you staying in town? Is there a nearby hotel that you've been lodging at?"

He pointed towards a giant tower that had red giant letters that read, 'HOTEL'.

"Will you be back tomorrow? I wish to know the rest of the story if there is more to tell." Raven said walking him to the entrance of the hotel.

"I guess you'll have to wait and see, won't you now?" The man smirked charmingly before strutting to the building with no other words.

Raven found herself rolling her eyes and scoffing at the man's antics. She didn't know why but the way he acted a few minutes ago gave her a sense of nostalgia. The woman sighed and started on her way home, failing to notice the one eye peering at her through the darkness.

"Seems like the half demon is alive after all," The white haired man chuckled to himself.

"Guess that's about to change."

"I-I'm so sorry, I don't" Rose stammered lowering her gaze from the shocked adults. Barry Allen, the chief of the Central City Police Department found himself remembering why the young lady looked so familiar.

The five foot four inched girl thought of all her memories with Wally, she surely understood what was to come after this conversation. She'd have to say, 'Sayonara Wally! Your Aunt and Uncle both despise me and the scum I am so I'll just go die in the hole I came from, oh no it's no big deal really.' While bawling her eyes out and finding a one way plane ticket to North Korea.

"Jinx. I should've known," The blonde said after a few minutes of silence. "You were the lovely young mistress you bailed out all my prisoners." He glared at her scrutinizingly, analyzing what her motive here was. "I imagine you seduced my little Wally here, to what? To get him to rob banks with you? To-"

"Uncle Barry, don't you see that she's changed?" Wally snapped, "You always told me everyone deserves a second chance. Can't you see that this is her second chance? That she's my second chance?" Wally pleaded, sorrow swimming in his eyes.

"I understand that you had considered my words, but that quote does not apply to criminals. I also understand that you are still hurting from Artemis, your first love but-"

"No Barry." Iris sharply cut her husband off. The sandy haired man as well as the ginger showed signs of astonishment. "I understand how hard it must've been to hide this from us Wally, Rose," The red-headed woman placed her hand on Rose's hand finally earning her attention.

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