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So. These are my characters, and I write about them. I would like to give a fair warning. Alot of these storys mention messed up stuff, like:

-Drug use,
And S/a. Note, The one thing I WILL NOT write about is that. It may be mentioned though.

Another thing as well, alot of my characters are NOT good people. They do awful things. Idk if you simp/like them though honestly, they don't exist so.. 😛

I will have content warnings though about anything that could be disturbing, and a guide, shown here!

Light Angst- 🫀
HEAVY angst-⚠️
Writers notes-👋

Also, when we get to know the characters more, PLEASE, PLEASE I BEG OF YOU, request storys, I love writing sm, and its summer while I write this, so I don't have writing club.

Another thing, PLEASE!! If you have any criticism, I am open. I am looking to improve as much as I can, so help is always welcome.

With that, enjoy! Or don't. Choice is yours.

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