🌶 Masochism & ciggarates.

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Uh.. quick content warning... its in the title but this involves masochism. And ciggarates.. yur, uhm, enjoy you little freaks. Also, small mention of forced drug use/Sa.. dont ask, I don't know why I did that for his character story..

Also, since spicy, kink/content list:

Masochism. ALOT.
Early cummer
Like.. almost hair pulling?? 

Micha was tired, but happy.. euphoric even? It was better than any drug his dad made him do off various genital areas at the very least.

His ass hurt, cum was everywhere but he was happy after that fuck session with his love. One issue. The foul scent of Archers ciggarate. He hated it. Smoking was so bad for him, and if Micha ever had to kill and eat him, his favorite part would be frikin RUINED.

"Archerrr, pay attention to meeee.. please..?"

Micha whined out, laying his head on the others chest.

"At least let me finish my ciggarate, jesus.." Archer scoffed slighty.

"1, it smells awful, 2, if I eat you your lungs are gonna taste awful in the future, 3 don't use the lords name in vain, mkay love?"

"...That just makes me want to smoke more Micha, thats not.. helping.. and I don't have my ash tray, I can't burn it out right now."

*Micha smiled slighty.*
"You know.."

"..I know..?"

"That im a masochist..?"

"Yeah, you ask me like every night to step on your cock with my work boots, and moaned when I slapped you, I feel like thats obvious."

Archer took a puff of his ciggarate, blowing out the smoke away from Micha.

"..You could put it out on me, that would be so hot.. plus, didn't you say you kinda wanted to try it? If not I can grab the ashtray, but.."

Micha smiled, his iconic "Listen to me, Im a sexy little twink!" Smile.

"..Where even.. If I were going to.."

Archer paused, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, a few areas I would enjoy the most, My neck, thighs, dick or balls, and wrists."  Micha tilted his head, still smiling.

"..I... Sorry, Your dick?? That would hurt.."

"Yeah, its called masochism.. So, is that a yes..?"

Archer thought for a moment.
"..Okay.. sure then.. Where though..?"

"I just made a list, you pick~"

"No, like, your favorite.. Bet its your dick." He smiled slighty, the ash of his ciggarate falling onto the pillow.

"It is! I one time bought a pack just to try it.. like when I gave you the one with one missing?"

"..just come over here before I finish it on my own."

Micha eagerly scooted up, not wearing any boxers from before.

"You sure about this..?" Archer questioned, gently holding the others cock.

Micha nodded in response, waiting in excitement with baited breath.

After a moment, archer gently brought the ciggarate to Michas dick, pressing it in.

Micha moaned, both in pain, and pleasure, covering his mouth with one hand, and with the other, he dug his nails into his thighs.

Archer quickly removed the ciggarate, looking at the other.

"Love, are you okay?"

(We love a consensual and healthy relationship. This isn't in the slightest, but this is still a wholesome moment. Let's take a moment to appreciate it.)

"Noo, dont stop, that feels good.." Micha whined, laying his head on the others shoulder."

"..You sure, I don't wanna seriously hurt you." Micha nodded.

Archer brought the ciggarate back to the others dick, gently rubbing his tip. God damn, Micha loved it, whimpering, trying to muffle himself with his hand.

"You're doing so good for me love.."

Micha whined, digging his nails into his thighs again, just adding to the pain/plesure.

The ciggarate was out by now, so Archer set it on the window sill, and scooted down, gently licking the burn wound.

"Ah- God, that feels good.." Micha moaned. God, he was so fucking close already. He gently laced a hand into a
Archers hair, fucking the others mouth. Or, almost? He came before he really could.

"..fuck thats pathetic, came already..?"
Archer scoffed, scooting up, and holding Micha close to him.

"..I love you."

"I love you too Micha."

Its 5, i watched 3 hours of class of 09 writing this, with my bf (Other owner) Fun fact, this is just a ref to it.. like.. abusive Lesbians, dude I'm so fucking sleep deprived I feel faded..

Anyways, as always, criticism is nice, VITE THIS PLEASE I HAVE 2 VEIWS SHSHHSHAAKZGWI ES D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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