Chapter 2: ~The Roots are Growing~

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[For those who are sticking around and can handle a lot more gorey shit, here we go! This is Chapter 2 or, in Bucky's case, Stage 2. And, to my girlfriend, thank you for reading this and I'm happy that you like this story. It just makes me want to write more. Thank you and I love you! :) Now, onto the story~]


It was now morning and at this point, F.I.T.E. and Xizilla have finally gotten out of bed and got ready for their day. Juno had decided to just take a quick power nap before getting up and fixing breakfast. They were all calm, until....Bucky stepped into the room. His hair was unkempt, he was a sweating mess, he was shaking like as if he was in Antarctica, he was drooling a lot and a red-violet liquid was dripping out of his mouth, along with foam coming out of the mouth and his teeth and horns and claws were longer and sharper. There were also some vines and tiny spikes coming out of his body and his pupils were in the shape of hearts. He also had some markings on his horns. As soon as F.I.T.E. saw Bucky, he yelled out, "HOLY SHIT. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" And then, pointed his pistol at Bucky. When Juno was finished making breakfast and saw F.I.T.E. pointing his pistol at a very sick-looking Bucky, she suddenly set the plates down and used her shadow magic to appear behind F.I.T.E., with a look on her face that could even scare The Undertaker. "What the fuck are you doing, F.I.T.E....?" He then looked up and yelped, causing the gun to come out of his hands and to accidentally fire, the bullet blazing by Juno's head. "Why were you about to shoot Bucky?!" F.I.T.E. pointed a shaky finger out of fear towards Bucky. "Look at him! He looks like he's got Corona!" Juno looked at Bucky and once she saw the way he looked, she knew it had to be due to that mysterious liquid that entered into him. She went over to Bucky and dragged him to bed. 

She then laid him down onto the bed and pulled the blankets over him. She then pulled out a notebook she uses to study different drugs and illnesses and started to write down the symptoms Bucky was showing: Severe sweating and shivering, Increased salivation, strange markings on his horns, foaming at the mouth, spikes and plantation, like vines, growing out of his body, his horns, claws, teeth, and the spines along his back were now longer and sharper, from the way he looked, he was starving, his pupils were now in the shape of hearts, his body proportions were starting to morph, and his hair was more messed up than usual. She also examined the injection site, being careful not to touch it because, when she accidentally tapped it with her pen, he let out a loud, crackling hiss at her, causing her to look at him with a disapproving face and she slapped him upside the head, but not that hard. The injection site had a heart shape to where the dart went into his arm and around it, was red and covered in hives and was starting to spread throughout his arm. She finished writing what she needed to write and checked his temperature, which, due to the increased fever, caused her to quickly remove her hand from his forehead because of how hot it was. She then ran to the bathroom, put a bucket near his bed in case he needed to vomit, put an extremely cold washcloth on his forehead, and turned a fan on to try to cool his body down. She then kissed his cheek and smiled at him. "Get some rest, you big dork." Juno told him before she left his bedroom, closing the door gently so that he could rest and she found Xizilla and F.I.T.E. waiting outside of the door. 

"Sooooo, does he have Corona?" Xizilla asked. Juno sighed, crossing her arms. "No. He doesn't have the Coronavirus. Honestly, I really don't know what he has. This is most likely a virus that has never been discovered so, let's just let him rest and see if he gets better. I'm doing the best I can because, like I said, I've never seen this kind of virus before. How about you two deal with the rest of the tasks for the team while I take care of Bucky and, if anything goes wrong or if I need a specific medication for him, I'll call one of you." [foreshadowing.....:)] F.I.T.E. sighs, "Fine. I guess we'll do the rest of the missions. Have fun taking care of the sick bitch. Bye." And then Xizilla and F.I.T.E. left, leaving to go do another mission. Juno shook her head in annoyance and then entered Bucky's room using her shadow magic, staying quiet. When she stood to the side of his bed, she saw that, on his bedside dresser, he had an open bottle of sleeping pills on it. 'It seems like he took some sleeping pills to help himself sleep. He must have insomnia and seemingly, much worse than normal. He usually doesn't take pills to help himself sleep. But, I'll be here for him. I love this dork more than anything and now, it will be my mission to bring Bucky back to health and to figure out what the hell this thing is so that no one else gets it and suffers like how Bucky is now.' She then sat down next to the bed and rested her head in her arms and held Bucky's hand the whole time while she rested.

But, what Juno didn't know, was that the virus was ruining Bucky's body worse, the sickness being like roots, branching out throughout his body from the injection site and through his veins and arteries and soon, it was going to reach the brain and then, to the heart. Juno needed to find the cure for it and what it even is and FAST but, the next day....she was gonna find her answer.

[There we go! Chapter 2 is finished and next, I'm gonna do Chapter 3 and just a little warning, next chapter will contain sexual topics and it is going to get REALLY dark REAL quick so, prepare yourselves. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope Juno will find the answer before, heh, let's just say before this virus.....takes out Bucky too quickly.. But, anyways, see you in the next chapter, readers~ :)]

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