Chapter 3: ~The Chase is On~

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[Okay, so this is going to go into some lemon/smut-like topics and themes so, if you don't like that kind of stuff, I deeply apologize but, if you didn't know, this is a love virus. It can and will affect you in some pretty sexual ways if infected with it so, I'm sorry. :') Anyways, onto the story!]


When Bucky woke up, the symptoms seemed to have gotten even worse. His horns, claws, teeth, and the spines along his back were even longer, there were more markings on his horns, venus-fly trap-like plants had grown out of his body, he somewhat looked like something out of a horror movie, he had a black liquid spilling out of his eye sockets like tears, but, the worst thing was, that he seemed much more....sexually active. Juno suddenly woke up to hot breath on her neck and when she opened her eyes, she saw Bucky on top of her, looking even worse than the night before. She accidentally punched him in the snout, knocking him off of her. "What the fuck, Bucky?!" He slowly got up, growling out of lust and then charged at her, which caused her to run out of the room and slam the door in Bucky's face, breaking his nose. She ran away from his room, which caused F.I.T.E. and Xizilla to look at her in confusion. "Why are you running away from Bucky's room? Did he try attacking you? Because he tends to do that if you try to give him medicine. Stubborn at first until we pin him to the ground and force it into his mouth.", Xizilla asked. "W-What?..No...He tried to fuck me....I woke up to him on top of me and when I punched him in the nose to get him off of me, he charged at me, wanting to pin me to the ground and fuck me.." "Oh.....yeah...that's pretty fucked up. I suggest you hide if he's gonna do that. Because, aren't you asexual?", F.I.T.E. responded. "No shit it's fucked up and yes. I'm asexual. Plus, he knows my boundaries. Why would he try and break them?" Xizilla sighed and spoke, "I know you or Bucky are mainly the intellectual ones but, most likely, he's not himself. I suggest just hiding and waiting it out and figuring out how to cure him in the meantime." 

Suddenly, the door broke open, revealing Bucky with a look of lust and hunger in his eyes. "Juno, run. We'll handle it." Juno then ran out and, when Bucky tried to chase after her, F.I.T.E. shot him in the skull, causing him to slam into the wall, which gave Juno an even greater chance to run and hide. Bucky got up, hissing. He then charged at F.I.T.E, growling and snarling, which caused F.I.T.E. to slice him in the side with his katana. "Bucky, calm down!" Xizilla shouted, slamming Bucky's snout into the ground to hold him down and to try and calm him down. But, Bucky didn't seem to calm down. He suddenly lifted his head, bit into Xizilla's arm, locking his jaw and slamming Xizilla onto the ground repeatedly. Then, he ripped Xizilla's arm from their body, causing a blood-curling scream to echo through the room. F.I.T.E, knowing Bucky was going to kill them both most likely, chose to run out of the house, leaving Xizilla to get torn to shreds by Bucky. Bucky continued to tear Xizilla to shreds, tearing open their guts and ripping out all the organs one by one and....eating them... Xizilla was long dead and was now just a hollow corpse. Bucky then let out a glitched roar and ran out of the house, desperate to find Juno.

Meanwhile, Juno hid in the military base, shaking. Out of the blue, she got a phone call, which was from F.I.T.E. She answered the call, which was F.I.T.E. sounding like he was....crying and in a panic. "Woah! Woah! F.I.T.E, tell me what's wrong? What's happening?" "B-Bucky's gone psycho! H-He literally tore Xizilla to SHREDS! He's coming after me next! Whatever you do, HIDE. STAY HIDDEN. W-Wait.....OH SHIT. BUCKY FOUND ME. HE'S COVERED IN BLOOD. JUNO, I SWEAR TO GOD, HIDE FOR YOUR LIFE. STAY SA-" Abruptly, the call ended with a blood-curdling scream being heard. Juno couldn't believe what she was hearing and dealing with. She decided to find who was responsible for even CREATING this virus. She searched throughout the base until she saw a laboratory that had two doctors, which were standing in front of a glass cage. One of the doctors spoke, "Dr. Huxley, a-are you sure this is necessary? T-This is basically playing God with lives!" "SILENCE. Don't you underestimate me, Dr. Katz. This is going to protect our country from enemies that we could encounter! The people will learn to fear the virus that will be forever known as L0V3-1!" "But, sir, don't you remember? One of the private cadets shot one of those intruders with a dose of it!" 

Juno's eyes widened. They were talking about the virus! They were talking about BUCKY. "So? That just proves that we can't have civilians trespassing without permission." This is where Dr. Katz started to panic. "But, sir! We just put the public at RISK! I mean, we already have a human test subject! We don't need whatever CREATURE that was running around with the virus, hurting people!" Out of nowhere, Dr. Huxley put a reassuring hand on Dr. Katz's shoulder. "Relax, Katz. This is only the start of a great project. Now, get the tests running. We've got work to do." Juno couldn't believe what she was hearing. These doctors were gonna use this virus as a weapon. She then hid in the lab, out of sight, but what she didn't know was that the human patient who was being tested on, saw her. He looked like he had humanity still in him. "H-Hey, miss. C-Can you help me?" "Sure. But, do you know how to cure the virus?" He nodded. "Yes, but I can cure myself. Wait....weren't you one of the teammates that was with the infected one?" She nodded. "I need to find a cure and FAST. He's already killed two of my teammates and is hunting me down to fuck me." His eyes widened. "Oh shit. It seems like he's already at Stage 3 and about to go into Stage 4. I can help you. They've given me the cure so, I'm immune and it's made me stronger than the average human. I can shift between the corrupted form and my regular self now. All you gotta do is let me out and I'll get you that cure."

She agreed and broke him out of the cell. He found the cure and gave it to her. It was in a dart and she had a dart gun. "You have to get the patient to calm down and you've gotta hold them down to inject the cure into them or it'll just fall out. Now, let's go. For the plan, once he enters the building, I'm gonna attack him from behind, basically a sneak attack, and try to stabilize him, then you come in and fire the dart in him. Got it?" "Yeah. I got the plan.", Juno responded. "I'm Patient-001, by the way." "Nice to meet you, I'm Juno." They then hid behind a corner. The front door suddenly burst open, revealing Bucky covered in blood and hissing. "It's go time. Get ready." Juno nodded, knowing that this may be one of the scariest things she was going to face in her life.

[There we go! Now, the next chapter is going to be filled with action and who knows? Maybe Bucky will get cured or will there be an obstacle that will stop them in their tracks from saving him? Who knows? Find out in the next chapter~ See ya then, readers~]

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