Study Group!2

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Zip: Good afternoon shitheads<3

Claire (replying to Zip): rude much but good afternoon!

Edward: What was the homework again guys?

Zip (replying to Edward): don't you mean..

Claire (replying to Zip): HOW MANY OF THESE DO YOU HAVE??

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Claire (replying to Zip): HOW MANY OF THESE DO YOU HAVE??

Zip (replying to Claire): Not enough.

Edward (replying to Zip): I'm telling a trusted adult.

Alice (replying to Edward): technically, I am an adult.

Edward (replying to Alice):
*TRUSTED* adult :3

Engel: i just got home..

*Edward has added Ms. Grace and 5 others*

Ms Sasha: oh, hello!





Bubble: hello :3

Engel: @Edward PLS PM

Ms Grace: what's going on?

Ms Circle: What the fuck?

Ms Sasha (Replying To Ms Circle): hey, don't say that..

Edward: Uh, sorry about that.. that was a misclick. Y'all are free to leave it you'd like..

Mr Demi: I'd like to stay, I want to know what the students think about stuff!

Ms Sasha (Replying to Mr. Demi): Same

Zip: yeah, haha.

Ms Sasha (replying to Zip): hey, why's the chatroom called that?

Zip: oh, uhh idk..

*Edward changed the group name as “study group”*

Edward (replying to Ms Sasha): oh, uhmm... It was.. an old member who named it that..

Zip (Replying To Edward): yep.. totally..!

*Edward went offline*

Ms. Thavel: huh?

Ms. Sasha (Replying to Ms Thavel): oh, they just decided to add us to.. their gc!

Ms. Thavel: oh

Ms. Thavel: can I leave then?

Ms. Sasha: don't you want to, know more about the students? Y'know...

Ms Thavel: I've got more important things to do.

Ms Thavel: I might leave. But I'll stay for now.

Mr Demi: oh, Alright..

Ms. Emily: oh. I guess I'll stay for a bit too. I don't mind.

Ms Circle: whatever.

*Ms Circle, Mr Demi, Ms Thavel, and Zip went offline*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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