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         Date made: 06/17/2024
      Gender for today : female

              Title: I "left" her

                 (Modern au!)

Keaya, your ex Boyfriend. You broke up with him because you caught him cheating on you with another woman in his office.


Little did you know. Things are starting to get worse once you broke up with him.


You stayed up late at home, doing reasearch about mental health because your boss asked you to do so and make a report to him tommorow morning.

Time: 12:00 am

You started to get a little sleepy and decided to stand up and grab a cup of coffee in your kitchen.

When you're at the kitchen. You grabbed a kettle and filled it up with water.

You placed the kettle on top of the stove and turned it on. While waiting for it to boil, you heard a "ding" on the doorbell.

("Oh Archons, who the fuck could be out there this late?")

You leaned over closer to the stove to turn it off before heading towards the front door.

"I'm coming! Hold on!" You grabbed your coat, and put it on since you are not wearing any bra on.

You opened your door with a slight smile on your face. Well, that smile of yours faded instantly when you saw you Ex, Kaeya.

Your neutral face quickly turned in shock as you saw Keaya covered in blood. "Keaya? What the fuck are- why are you covered in blood?!"

You spoke filled with worries and fear.... But, one of your eyebrows raised in confusion when you saw Keaya only smiling at you... Its not a normal smile, its like a smile of a phsyco.

"My love, Y/N! Its a surprise you are still awake this late... You should be in bed right now."
He spoke in a soft tone.

You started to notice that he was gripping onto sonething. You looked down to see what it is. You froze in place, shocked and scared that you saw Keaya, gripping onto a dead body by the hair. . .

Wait, you know this person. Its the woman that he cheated with! You took a step back, away from Keaya.

"Whats the matter, my love? Why are you scared?" His grip onto the hair tightly. He lifted the body up by the hair with a sadistic smile on his face.

"Her? I left her for you! She was the reason why we broke up! She deserves to die!" He laughed histerically.

It made you wanna throw up when you saw how many cuts the body has, it made your legs shakes in fear. "What has gotten into you!?" You tried slamming the door shut infront of him.

Unfortunately, the door wont budge. He leaned closer while holding onto the door while calling your name.


He used his sword to keeo the door open. He dropped the dead body to the floor and swang the door open, making you drop to the floor.

You started tearing up, thinking you're about to die today. He shut the door behind him, locking it.

"Oh, how I'v missed your scent." He got on top of you, pressing your body against the floor. He burried his face onto your neck, licking and smelling your scent.

You almost threw up when you started to smell, blood on his shirt. You gripped onto his shoulders, trying to push him away.

He wouldn't budge an inch. (Ofcourse. You are no match to a knight.)

He pulled away and stood up. He grabbed your arm tightly, tightly enough to make you groan in pain. He then lifted you up and headed towards your bedroom. He locked the door behind him and threw you on the bed as he started undoing his shirt.

You quickly sat up and started to try crawl away, while he starts unbuckling his belt.

As you were about to reach the door handle, he quickly grabbed your wrists and dragged you towards the bed.

"Let me go you phsyco!" You shouted at him, cry out loudly for help, bit his arm, kick him, just for him to let you go.

But, no. He didn't.

He pinned you against the bed frame and tied your hands with his belt.

"You don't know how long I have been craving for you.." He mumbled softly as he started kissing and sucking your neck while you were crying out loudly for help.



(Hi, this is the end of this chapter. The ideas stopped flowing in my mind. Thank for reading this.)

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